Fetid Waveling

Fetid Waveling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
The rare spawn that drops this pet is summoned by Filandras Mistcaller. He can be found north of Andu'Talah in Dreadroot, Val'sharah.
Players can loot the pet from this rare spawn only once per character.
Players can loot the pet from this rare spawn only once per character.
Level 0:

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

Idk why no one left a comment on the battle ability of this pet. Because it's pretty great! It has 4 different damage types + 3 damage/damage over time combo abilties, one of which is the DoT buffing Corrosion as well.
With healthy/balanced stats, and Elemental typing, you can largely ignore whatever the opponent does, and simply use any one of your 3 main attacks (poison spit, corrosion, creeping ooze). It will take basically anything down, especially if you use more than 1.
This pet dropped for me today! Love it! Hes so cute. I did not know the Drop Rate but went to Wowhead and looked it up, The drop rate for this pet is 81% drop from Pollous the Fetid. It drops from more then one thing according to Wowhead it drops from;
1. Pollous the Fetid
2. Deadsting Lurker
3. Rotwood Creeper
4. Creeping Horror
5. Poisonous Slime
Had this pet drop today from a boss named "Pollous The Fetid" in the Dreadroot area of Val'Sharah. He is not really a rare mob, he spawns constantlly. He is in the area of 66, 44 in a river. He really smells bad.
How often he drops the pet, I do not know but it was while I was on a World Quest so that may have something to do with it. He's tough so unless you're really good or really geared up you don't want to take him on alone.
There were comments on Wowhead saying that this "event" was broken on live servers and that no one could interact with the NPC needed to spawn the rare mob. I checked for myself this morning and that was indeed the case. As of 1:59 PM EST is appears that the rare is just patting around on his own without anyone needing to interact with the NPC to get him to spawn.