Wild Jade Hatchling

Ground (hovers)
Hovers and performs tricks.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found around The Arboretum.
To be able to capture this wild pet, players must be exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent faction.

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Wonderboyjohnny Â
"Fought a Rare at 3:55pm server time. It killed itself before I could capture it. Be careful! It was the first one I chose to battle. Guess the search continues."
How? It has no moves that inflict self damage...
I got my rare about 1200 pm server time silvermoon at 53/48
Maybe I misunderstand breeds. But this site says that the jade hatchling has one breed but all I can seem to find is a jade hatchling that is different than the one stated. H/S is all i can find.Â
Fought a Rare at 3:55pm server time. It killed itself before I could capture it. Be careful! It was the first one I chose to battle. Guess the search continues.Â
Edit: Found another Rare at 4:19pm server. This one didn't have the lightning ability selected, so I was able to snag this one :) So I'm not kicking myself quite as much now.Â
Gewen, there is no such thing as a Wild Azure Hatchling. Possibly what you saw on the AH was the Azure Whelpling.
I caught all 3 in a hour, all common-poor thou. As stated, the frogs seem to share spawn points with them.
Good Luck :)
Like his sister serpent, Wild Crimson Hatchling, this guy has a tendency to suicide himself using a weather effect. Have an aquatic with cleansing rain or a Celestial Dragon in your fight pack when hunting this guy.
In two weeks, I have never seen a rare Jade. I noticed some posts about time of day or weather, anyone have an idea when the best time to farm for the Jade ones?
I got super lucky and found a rare one of these guys and his red sister on the same day. However, if you want a real chance to get these guys, you may be waiting till the wee hours of the morn. On the plus side, you don't have to worry about whether "Should I keep this rare, or upgrade this poor one?", since there is only one breed.
I found mine after I got exhaled with oder of the cloud serpent. Otherwise, must be exhaled to catch any of these little guys. I got all of them but they were poor but I'm happy to have them. Happing Hunting!! :D
I didn't see many Hatchling spawns to begin with. Out of three spawns, I'm doing decent. One golden common and a jade rare (out of the two I battled, it was the first one!)
Now I search for the crimson one and a rare golden...
I have been searching for a rare Jade Hatchling for 3 whole days now and so far rare has not appeared for me. The respawn time seems to be around 2hrs once you kill all the hatchlings off and they don't spawn more during any types of weather that i've noticed, but they do share each others spawn locations. I have managed to get 2 rares of the other hatchlings and a dragon stone but no rare jade so I guess i'll just stone it because I'm out of patience trying to farm it. GL to everyone else :)
Do the rares exist?! I have been looking for weeks. I am almost ready to give up hope.
Five minutes after posting this I found the rare Jade.... Then lost the battle. However, I have redeemed myself by catching the rare Gold.... They DO exist!
Truly redeemed, today I caught both the Jade and the Crimson rares. Too bad the azure wont spawn for me :(... I cant seem to find it on AH on my realm either, though I have seen it on other realms on AH.
Hmm, is there such thing as WoW Karma? Â While I was taming an uncommon one of these, a horde player attacked me-- by accident it turned out (think they were aiming at a wasp), and as soon as I got my hunter's pet called off I saw that an alliance person had grabbed my hatchling! Â Well, not *mine* I guess, but I was standing right next to it while I was figuring things out w/ the horde player... Â Anyway, the next one I found nearby, and it was a rare! Â ; D Â
Well... today I got a rare Jade, an uncommon Crimson and an uncommon Golden. That was pretty good.
By the way... I went to the Arboretum and there were tons of hatchlings around, and as I was fighting them they kept spawning for a while. And then nothing. So I went to have some food hoping to find more when I was done, but I came back and still nothing. Its just a weird spawn timer.
This morning - Sunday at 09.00 am I went there and it was full of hatchlings! They respawned so fast I couldn't even keep up, and it's not like the area is that big. Farmed about 30 min, got a rare Crimson and Golden and then at 09.30 it seemed like the respawn rate suddenly slowed down to having to fly around for a few minutes to even see a fightable pet of any kind.
They will only appear if you are Exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpents
Requires rep grinding!
I was able to get a Jade rare after my 3rd try! He spawned behind the eastern hut that's next to the pen where you keep your hatchling for your mount. it was around 2am eastern server time. Eredar server
Yesterday I didn'ts see any at all. But today I went there at 12:20 server time on Tarren Mill and there were loads. Got my little Jade Hatchling in Rare quality. Its so cute!
Rare had 1200 something health at lvl 23
Happy catching!