Wild Golden Hatchling

Ground (hovers)
Hovers and performs tricks.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found around The Arboretum.
To be able to capture this wild pet, players must be exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent faction.

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I got these hatchlings today. Getting exhaulted with the panda's is not difficult, but time consuming. Just do all of the "Kill XYZ" quests and skip the others (like fishing and cooking cakes). The Power rep-grinding youtube vids are not very realistic. It takes longer to find enough eggs than it does to just do the dailies. I reccomend trying both. Do the dailies, look for eggs, turn in, get on with the rest of your life.
Awwww.  Second try and I had a lil rare Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling.  And my damn Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 accidently killed the damn thing.  I underestimated its hit power.
Love this little guy combined with my Clockwork Gnome and Darkmoon Tonk. Put up his Lightning Storm, then switch out to a Mechanical. Gotta love the damage boost the Storm gives Mech abilities, and the double strikes of Lightning and Turret shots is just laughable!
The best pet for an aoe team. use lightning storm+cyclone for insane damage with a rare on of these. then pull out your lil' xt or p/p pocket reaver and Tympanic Tantrum/Quake for even more aoe damage. once both pets are dead switch to a 'cleanup' pet (which for me is a Nordrassil Wisp as is quick and has an aoe spell). also enemy pets trigger his passive whilst lightning storm is active when he gets lower than 25% health :P
I got one today now i have all of the wild hachlings in rare :-)
Once you're exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent, these guys will spawn all over the Arboratem. This model has the same abilities as the Jade Hatchling; the Lightning Storm effect combined with Cyclone is amazing. After 5.2 pet mobs no longer despawn when running from fights, and all the hatchlings are unable to be attacked, so if you want to reset for a better quality you need to at least kill the first pet in the group.Â
Sunday @ 1:30pm, started raining and golden and jade hatchlings popped up. First golden and second jade were rare
This morning - Sunday at 09.00 am I went there and it was full of hatchlings! They respawned so fast I couldn't even keep up with them, and the area isn't even that big. Farmed for about 09.30, got a rare Crimson and Golden and then at 09.30 it seemed like the respawn rate suddenly slowed down to having to fly around for a few minutes to even see a fightable pet of any kind.
IÂ caught a rare (blue) dragon near the Cloud Serpent Quarter Master just this morning! They are around, just takes awhile to find one. It was my 8th Golden battle, all the others were common or poor.Â
They will only appear if you are Exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpents
were the cloud serpents removed cause as of the last day, not one ahs spawned on my shadowsong :(