Thundering Serpent Hatchling

Thundering Serpent Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers and performs tricks.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
The in-game tooltip for this pet disappeared for a brief time during Shadowlands. It was unknown whether or not this pet was still obtainable. However, during a later content patch, the pet was found on the BMAH as an item up for bid.
The Thundering Serpent Hatchling has a chance to drop from Warlords of Draenor version of Unclaimed Black Market Container, which can be purchased from the Black Market Auction House.
In Mists of Pandaria, guilds were able to unlock this pet by completing the Challenge Conquerors: Gold - Guild Edition achievement. However, once Warlords of Draenor was released, the Thundering Serpent Hatchling was removed from the guild vendor and relocated to the Black Market Auction House.
The Thundering Serpent Hatchling has a chance to drop from Warlords of Draenor version of Unclaimed Black Market Container, which can be purchased from the Black Market Auction House.
In Mists of Pandaria, guilds were able to unlock this pet by completing the Challenge Conquerors: Gold - Guild Edition achievement. However, once Warlords of Draenor was released, the Thundering Serpent Hatchling was removed from the guild vendor and relocated to the Black Market Auction House.

After searching the Black Market every day for serveral months she finally showed up. Got her for 775K and did not flinch. I would have gone as high as 1M.
I am indebted to Reedwand for responsing to my questions and telling me what to do. I posted a fleshed out description of this costly endeavor on Wowhead in the comments for the Thundering Serpent Hatchling. TL:DR a Thundering Serpent Hatchling pops up on a Black Market Auction House somewhere in the WoW universe every other day or so.
For those that have seen it on BMAH (never seen yet) is it BOE/BOP or BOA?
No responses but I finally found it on BMAH with the help of friends, bought for 525k and its BOP, not cageable. Wanted to share just in case others were seeking the same questions.
I saw this pet in the BMAH several times after 9.1.5 -- but it feels like it has not reappeared for several months. Can anyone comment, if it might have been removed again, or if you have recently seen it in the BMAH on your server?
can confirm it can be in the BMAH as a stand alone item. it was showing twice in one week recently, but they both went over 5 million gold and i lost both :(
i don't think it would also be in the random bag but i could be wrong
After being out of the game since WoD, this pet is now appearing in the Black Market Auction House as of 9.1.5.
Can someone tell me if this pet is still aviable for purchase via guildtrader (if the guild owns respective achievment ofc) or its completely discontinued?
I don’t own this pet yet it shows here that I DO o_O I was so surprised when saw it here so I thought “OMG, maybe I acquired it somehow somewhere someday”. I did quick check in my Pet Journal, unfortunately he is not there :(. Glitch ???
My pet is Rare, but is showing on here as common, I don't have any common pets, including him. I know we had to manually add him, but is there a way to change him to what I have him as now, Rare?
Odd ... I own 2 of these lil guys yet he no longer shows up as collected for me. I had named one Flash and the other Gordon - so I went back to the default name and re-imported. Still not showing as collected. Perhaps it is just a glitch - hopefully it will be corrected soon.
I really wish this pet were blue so that we could have a serpent hatchling in every color! Or maybe Blizz will add an "Azure/Cobalt Serpent Hatchling" as an achievement pet?!?
Don't hold your breath on seeing a positive post on this. It's in the containers and most folks are smart enough to not waste their money.
Can anyone confirm this still drops from unclaimed black market containers?
Has anyone ever seen the Thundering Serpent Hatchling on the Black Market? :)
Has anyone ever seen them at the Black Market? The Undermine Journal has listings for dozens of pets, but not this one.
This pet is now only available through the Black Market, as soon as I see it up, I will report the initial bidding price.
Finally got around to making an alt for a guild that had the pet unlocked, went and quested up until I hit revered, then headed to the vendor -- only to see no pet. It looks like it's been retired, so if you don't have it, you most likely have missed out completely. :( I've put in a ticket to ask, just in case, but I won't have my hopes up. :c -- ETA: Yeah, according to the WCP forums, it's retired from the guild vendors and only available on the Black Market Auction House. D:
Is it still available ingame until WoD release?
I am the gm of a guild with the pet on Wyrmrest Accord horde if you need the pet pst me ingame - Täito -