Sprite Darter Hatchling

Sprite Darter Egg
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007

Sprite Darter Egg
Item Level 47
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your sprite darter hatchling.
Sell Price: 5
Before patch 4.0.3, alliance characters could obtain this pet from the quest [48]Becoming a Parent.
Now the pet may only be farmed by both factions as a zone drop in Feralas.

I've spent days & hours farming only to take a chance today, 2 rounds around the lake, watching the Mandalorian, at the line "Lady Kryze, your reinforcements have arrived" the egg drops. Of course I named my Hatchling BO!
This is the first pet I remember getting, it dropped randomly when I wasn't looking for it so I thought it must be really easy to get. I started working on it with another character and after much killing I finally looked up the odds. I also found out Alliance got one from just doing a quest which was removed by the time I finally leveled an Alliance character.
I've been after this pet on and off for months now with no luck. It finally dropped for me today after only killing about 100 noxious whelps. I can not even begin to tell you how excited I was when it showed up in my bag! Don't give up folks!
I found mine in Feralas while murdering Noxious Whelps. I was looking for an Emerald Whelpling when this dropped insted! Imagine my surprise and delight! especially since I didn't even know they dropped in the aria. Sprite Darter was on a later to do list.
...I also got my Whelpling. YIPPEE!
Battlewise, the Sprite Darter Hatchling is identical to a S/S version of a Nether Faerie Dragon (which is much easier to get). That won't help your collection, but it will help you in battle until you obtain the elusive Sprite Darter Hatchling.
Spent several hours farming this pet yesterday and nothing. I got three Emerald Whelplings and a few World Drops though >.> <.< can I be lucky in a better more constructive way?! Haha. I'm going back today and hoping it goes better.
I got this pet many years ago when it was a quest reward. I sold it for 5k not knowing that it had become a world drop. I was not a happy camper to say the least when I found out.
I reacquired her Sunday night - 6/11/17 - from a wandering forest walker after about 20 kills. Very lucky!!
Wonderful appearance and animations, and one of my top choices for battle. Perfect pet to take out the first two pets on Veshaar, for instance. You can evanesce out of the first root crush (and at least one round of normal attacks) on Veshaar's second pet, and with "normal" RNG, die just in time to bring in a leveler for the third pet. Or, as Ashlei says, the sprite darter hatchling is sleeping after that accomplishment. So much fun.
A friend of mine said it took around 8 hours for her. Using addon rarity it counted my attempts to get the drop.50 sprites in feralas, no drop. Moved then to the maraudors at the eastern Feralas,around 150 kills i didnt get anything and moved to northern Feralas where the Noxious Whelpings are. 236 total kills and the egg drops for me, timer showing only 22 minutes. I feel i was REALLY REALLY LUCKY with this drop. My first and fastest farm to get a pet from a world drop :D
Love, love, love this pet. I used to go do the old quest chain for this pet on every Ally toon :D The pet that I use in battle has now been named "Brightwing" after the HotS hero that I also love <3
How come this isn't in the top 20 best looking pets?
7538 kills...and now the proud owner of Sprite Darter Hatchling. Woot!!!!
Had to kill 2000 mobs to get this little bugger - was he worth it?? YES!!! Love him <3
Just found this for 1K. So glad to avoid this grind as I am MONTHS in on the grind for Black Tabby and not wanting to start another!
I thought after buying a few expensive pets form AH after giving up farming for them i would slug it out & farm for the Emerald Whelping. After 29miins & 240 kills this Egg dropped. Awesome !! Very Happy. Carried on for 1hr total & 477 kills , still no whelping though.
The NFD has always been a go-to for me and now that I have this dude, I'm feeling pretty awesome! I use life exchange quite a bit when fighting the beasts of fable. I am excited to take on the Celestial Tournament armed with an extra pet with this capability!
A long time ago I picked up this pet while getting Loremaster of Kalimdor when it was a guaranteed quest reward from a quest chain. I have another reason to love him now. He virtually solo'd Stitches, Jr. for the Garrison pet daily. Moonfire > Arcane Blast > AB > Life Exchange > AB X5 > LE > AB X5. He died from infected claw after the res but the backup pets were there to take the credit/win. :-)
Snagged it from the AH for 2100g. Thank you! :D
I had the luckiest day - two emerald whelplings (roughly seven hours apart - I got my first after 30 minutes and then quested in the zone for the rest of the time) and one of these beauties after about an hour or so of farming the Noxious Whelplings! The entire reason I stayed in the zone was because I was hoping for this drop. I'm so glad I didn't give up. I highly recommend farming this while you're questing. Stick with it, people, you can do it!
I have had this pet for years! This used to be a final reward for a quest chain that started in Feralas if I am not mistaken. I had been collecting pets on my Warlock, but now all pets are for all toons.