
Enchanted Saurolisk Scale
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about. Looks around and sniffs.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.1.5 | Posted: March 12, 2019
This pet is chosen among four vanity pets as a reward after completing a chain of Children's Week quests.
Horde can begin the quest chain by speaking with Caretaker Padae in Dazar'alor, and Alliance can start by speaking with Orphan Matron Westerson in Boralus. These quests may be accessed by characters level 110+.
Other rewards for the final quest include Beakbert, Froglet, and Mr. Crabs. Collecting all four pets on the same character is possible (over the course of four years) since the quests are repeatable each year. It is also possible to collect all four pets by completing the quest chain on four different characters.
Horde can begin the quest chain by speaking with Caretaker Padae in Dazar'alor, and Alliance can start by speaking with Orphan Matron Westerson in Boralus. These quests may be accessed by characters level 110+.
Other rewards for the final quest include Beakbert, Froglet, and Mr. Crabs. Collecting all four pets on the same character is possible (over the course of four years) since the quests are repeatable each year. It is also possible to collect all four pets by completing the quest chain on four different characters.
Level 0:

1-2 of 2
1-2 of 2

I've had a heap of fun playing with Scaley in Find Battle PvP.
Rip, Toxic Bite, and the Dragonkin racial together promise some incredible dot damage, but by far the best part of this latest addition to bleed teams is Fade.
While feign death abilities will drag in a specific pet based on HP values, Fade selects the one in your next immediate slot granting you control over what will come in. You can set up a consistent combo with the bleed by simply arranging the slots of your team without having to play any number games to ensure the best followup.