Twilight Whelpling

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about and spins around.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
A one-time quest item will drop upon capturing the Twilight Whelpling for the first time. This item begins a quest of the same name, Young Twilight Scale. Turning in this quest rewards some gold and reputation with Champions of Azeroth.
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

5 years later, still only finding uncommon, I've been outside Grim Batol for hours. Mass leveling anything level 10 or higher behind a lvl 25 Bonkers because he powns the whelpling in 2 hits when it's inevitably uncommon.Â
I caught both H/P and P/S breeds, but I prefer the H/P breed - this little guy is a bit of a glass cannon without the health boost.
I have been hunting this for 2 weeks straight and only come across uncommon Twilight Whelpings... anyone else having this issue?
I found the H/P to be pretty easy to find, with P/B the most common breed; but had to do the scorched-earth respawning method for a couple of rounds before a P/S showed up.
Few words to say so far:
- this pet is absolutely adorable looking ;)))
- battlewise it's a DEMON (like all whelplings TBH), also has three WORTHY breeds ;)))
- since Dragonkin family is actually most beloved by me, as well as since it's also the smallest pet family, yet another instance of its kind is ALWAYS welcome !!!
- and finally, cherry on the cake :)... it's FREE and farmless to get :)))
Love it !!!
@Igoordb: "... Its a strong pet! D:..." - indeed ;)))
Its a strong pet! D:
Ye, I can't find any rare either, been circling for 1-2 hours now. Grabbed a HP since speeds are so slow anyway.
Wow, what an amazing pet. Looks good and packs a whallop of a punch! Incredible moveset as well. I recon it will be good for both pvp and pve.
I only seemed to encounter Uncommon quality ones, so I just grabbed one of those and decided to 'upgrade' it with a Battle Stone.
I can say for myself that I went to the valley leading to the gates of Grim Batol, and the area was stocked with these beauties. They are wonderful to behold, and in combat, they are just as good. I got three of them. However, they are not cageable, so get three you will want to use.
I just found one as its own spawn- as the main pet.