Spawn of Onyxia

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about and spins around.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in the area around Onyxia's Lair in Dustwallow Marsh.

Despite lacking a particularly exciting moveset, this lil babe hits like a freight train, especially when its racial triggers.
Luck of the draw? First time rare? Was happy and i barely got it as i forgot to heal my pets up! Very happy.
Spawn rate is really slow, I parked an alt there and checked it 5 or six times over the course of several days before I found the rare. It's easy farming though, even my level 60 druid was one shotting the mobs. Definitely park a toon if you want the rare, so much less hassle.
Its tim the whelp
I was extremely lucky. I was just passing by the mountain, saw a little green paw and decided, a spur of the moment thing, to go for it. Rare on the first go. I like this pet very very much.
Took me about a week of checking before I was able to find a Rare. I ended up parking an alt there and doing a sweep once a day. Definitely check early morning or late at night for more to spawn. I can't wait to level this one, I expect greatness from this darling little girl! :)
After about 20 min of flying around finally got an uncommon then right after a poor spawned and nothing else yet. I'm just glad I got the uncommon :)
been hunting a rare version on this pet for some time. today i got a p/s rare, i took it,..but still kept on to my p/p grey, pondering if i should rare it with a stone. i logged onto some alts parked on different realms, and what do you know- got a p/p rare aswell! now to get that moccasin,...
Its weird that the P/B breed of this pet has very different stats than Onyxian Whelpling that is also P/B
Just got my rare P/P lastnight! First one I came across was a poor and the second I found was a rare. It spawed behind the Liar and in front of the cave. So excited to get this one! I now have Onyxia Whelpling, Reins of the Onyxian Drake, and Spawn of Onyxia. Now I can finally move on from this area. I use Onyxia Whelpling in almost every fight, so tough and great heals. It will be good to have the Spawn as well now for certain fights.
Finally got my rare SoO. I think I cried a lil. Did the same, battle everything around and the SoO spawns. Thanks for the info guys and gals! ^.^
I got my rare P/P in an epic battle in Dustwallow Marsh that killed two of my pets and brought the third to 20 health against the backup pet. It was only the second of these I ever fought, so I consider this a good find. It was also the first rare pet I ever captured in the wild.
I LOVE this pet! I found only 1 and he was a common, but when I got a stone I upgraded him. He is now one of my main lvl 25's I battle with, and he does some nice damage. Did I say I love him? :)
Recles1229 Thank you! I'm new to pet battles and have been farming all sorts of pets. I would have sat here forever waiting for a rare spawn, but, with your advise, I captured a 4/14 on my first try. Its poor quality, but Ill use a stone to upgrade. Beats the heck out of waiting here forever!
Rather than focusing on finding a rare, I'd recommend finding a power build- 4/14 and using a battle-stone, since these have the hardest hitting tail sweep in the game. Even beating out mamma Onyxian Whelpling. On top of that, it's a faster farm.
My first attempt I got an uncommon near the dungeon mouth. Then I spent about 20 minutes farming around the area; one trip counterclockwise and the Spawn of Onyxia near the entrance had respawned. I then fought the three at the mouth again and got my rare. Happy Hunting.
First one i battled was a rare, in Wyrmbog. :) Makes up for the rare scorpid I killed on accident today :P
rare spawned by cave entrance, second one i fought - very lucky!
First time I came looking I found this gy, and the first one I see is a rare... lucky me!!
Yet to see a rare after easy 20+