Onyxian Whelpling

Onyxian Whelpling
Binds to Battle.net account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Battle.net account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around. Also breathes deep and produces smoke rings.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.2 | Posted: November 21, 2009
For a limited time during WoW's 20th Anniversary event (October 22, 2024 to January 6, 2025), this pet was purchasable from Storekeeper Reginald for 10 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
This pet is rewarded via the mail when players log in with a character during WoW's 5th Anniversary event between November 22nd and approximately December 7th in 2009.
This pet is also available as a FigurePets collectible (WoW's 5th Anniversary).
This pet is rewarded via the mail when players log in with a character during WoW's 5th Anniversary event between November 22nd and approximately December 7th in 2009.
This pet is also available as a FigurePets collectible (WoW's 5th Anniversary).
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Also for sale from a vendor in Tanaris as a part of the 20th Anniversary event. I think I paid 10 Bronze Celebration coins for him. :)
This guy is awesome against Ashlei (Draenor). 3 x 518 vs first pet then heal and fly high for next pet. Bring in a lowb for some easy xp and then kill the plushie at your leisure.
So glad I have this little guy. Bounces between my A and B team depending on what I'm doing. When I'm far from a friendly Stable Master and taking out wild pets faster than my 8 min heal can keep up with, this guy keeps me out in the field longer. No problems taking on pets higher level. His heal is pretty substantial and he hits hard.
real dragon helped me with all of my dragon problems
When taken on safari this pet can easily deal with wild pets 5 levels higer than them. Really scrappy little thing.
The best part about this pet was when you went into the raid, deadly boss mods would mix up the whelps deep breath and onyxia's and would announce it everytime they both did one. so like 5 people including myself would always have it out just to mess with the raid lol
This pet is excellent for battling with just about any wild pet you wish to tame. It can heal itself more than many other pets, and does a fair bit of damage with some spicy fire breath. I keep this as one of my main three.
It is a piy that in MoP they are no longer a completely unique model.
A good macro for summoning him:
/script local t="CRITTER";for i=1,GetNumCompanions(t) do local _,n,_,_,s=GetCompanionInfo(t,i);if n=="Onyxian Whelpling" then if s then DismissCompanion(t,i) else CallCompanion(t,i);SendChatMessage("Many whelps! Handle it!","YELL") end end end
It'll yell "Many whelps! Handle it!" on summon, but not on dismissal. Enjoy!
Did I mention it deep breathes?! EPIC!