Nightmare Whelpling

Nightmare Whelpling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

I've got a problem with this pet, when I summon it and then fly with my mount, the pet disappears instead of flying alongside me.
It's only me or it's its normal behaviour?
I needed this pet for a tricky pet battle, which I was talking about it in guild chat. A good friend of mine whispered check your mailbox. He doesn’t collect pets like I do and behold it was there. He couldn’t understand how I levelled it so fast haha but after i used it for the fight I sent it back as they sell for 50 k on my realm and he needed the gold. It was so lovely of him to send it back to me telling me to keep so I named it after him. kindness goes around :)
Bought one for 11k from AH in Thrall-US. Then my friend who doesnt even collect pets has it drop for him on his very first LFR run.
I snatched one for 15k from the auction house :o I was a little frustrated, because I needed him for the argus pet battle against Snozz and the other options (Lil Deathwing and Inifinte Hatchling) weren't as "easy" as this one to get. But I got never lucky in LFR so I looked at the auction house out of curiosity, despite knowing their horrendous prices. My jaw dropped seeing how cheap that one was. All the other rare drop whelps (azure, dark, crimson, emerald) were also extremly cheap with 22k per whelp.
I don't even recall getting this awesome pet, was just browsing through my journal during a bonus event and found him there! I had to look up the info on here and WoWHead to find out where it came from. It's a 1% drop rate from Ysondre in The Emerald Nightmare on all difficulties (including LFR), and can be bonus rolled. I think it just automatically gets added into your pet journal if you are the lucky chosen to get it, so watch your chat logs (as I failed to do, hence the recent discovery!)
Finally saw one on the AH for 25k, I snatched it, and stoned it! They normally list for a mil or better, I don't know who would pay that much?
I traded my guildy for one of these, he got two today from LFR. Wanted to point out that they are a new whelp model and look different than the older style and are summoned lower to the ground. Very nice rendering with nightmare petals falling around him similar to infinite whelp, love it! He has nose horns!
Got this in LFR tonight with no bonus roll. He is adorable :) Good luck all!
Are the new raid battle pets available in LFR difficulty level? Or do you have to be in Normal or higher?
Yes, you can obtain this pet from a bonus roll token.
I love these new whelpling models and ideas! I really hope that they update all of the models of the whelplings with legion. I am so stoked to collect this as well as the Dream Whelpling and the Stormborne Whelpling! The hype is real for Legion!!