Lil' Nefarian

Lil' Nefarian
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around. Occasionally emotes and breathes fire.
Vocalizations (periodic)
Limited time only.
1 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.5 | Posted: September 24, 2019
For a limited time during WoW's 20th Anniversary event (October 22, 2024 to January 6, 2025), this pet was purchasable from Storekeeper Reginald for 10 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
This pet was rewarded via the in-game mail when players logged in with a character during WoW's 15th Anniversary event, beginning November 15, 2019.
This pet was rewarded via the in-game mail when players logged in with a character during WoW's 15th Anniversary event, beginning November 15, 2019.
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Also now purchasable for 10 bronze celebration tokens during the 20th anniversary event!
Finally got this off the Black Market Auction house!
Still on blackmarket, had to go to bed so outbid. wish i could raise my own bid lol.
This was February 6th 2024. so still out there if curious. Came in to take off my impossible to get list. Mount shows up as well i did win that one at 750k, obsidian worldbreaker Feb 5, 2024 so if a pattern one after the other??
If weren't paying attention to general tab, this is if you missed Wow's 15th anniversary event
This pet can show up on the Black Market Auction House
This little guy will occaisionally do the emote "Lil' Nefarian is the Lord of Blackrock!", however if you rename him, his new name will replace "Lil' Nefarian" in the emote. I named mine "Your Mum" (or Mom for the US viewers), so now he emotes "Your Mum is the Lord of Blackrock!". Have fun with this :)
At least for me Blizzard who was aware of problem made it accessible this morning . Before was collected but greyed out.
My first log in was on an Alliance toon and now I'm noticing that my Horde alts are unable to summon Lil' Nefarian? Says Revoked and Can't Summon :(
i received my pet this morning before reset and now its "revoked"
Nov 5th received my Lil' Nefarian in the mail with a bunch of other stuff including a token that bumps exp & rep by 15% for the duration of the celebration. Don't delay taking me thinks - good for getting those paragon chests for gold & WR.