Lil' Deathwing

Lil' Deathwing
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Cataclysm Collector's Edition required.
1 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 6, 2010
This pet is a free gift for purchasing the Cataclysm Collector's Edition. This edition will be sold in stores (in limited quantity) and it will also be found on auction websites the week of December 7, 2010. While this is a rare pet, it's not quite as rare as the original Collector's Edition pets.
Level 0:

1-19 of 19
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I am looking for an Alliance US guild to get Lil' Deathwing! If you can help me out please shoot me an ingame invite Ryan#12494
I am curious to see what damage casting: Elementium Bolt, Roll, Swapping to pet with Rain Dance/Anzu's Blessing/or a Howl mechanic would do. Yes, that is way too much of a setup in PVP but I really enjoy seeing how large of a crit or hit I can build.
This guy is my FAVORITE pet and the one who usually puts me over the top in battles. Slower than molasses in january outside in the snow but the punch he packs makes him completely worth it!
Stops heals of opponents and can't help but love his "missile" that stuns enemies. Top it off with his "smog" like fire breathing and its game on!
While Lil' Deathwing may be the 4th highest attack power in the game at the moment, once his racial kicks in along with a roll, IMO he becomes the #1 heavy hitter. Lil' Deathwing is awesome. I am able to 2 pet all Pandaria trainers along with Idol.
Mr. Wiggles + Deathwing = destruction.
@ Roweena Deathy is the Deathwing themed murloc.
Lil' Deathwing is an awesome pet to battle with. Even at lower levels, he can take out a three-man team of level 23+ just by using Roll > Cataclysm > Tail Sweep. Had a blast levelling him.
Also, he's a great pet to use during the Darkmoon Faire in conjunction with a Water Waveling and the Mini Thor pet.
elemtium bolt...only spell i've seen thats stronger is lil rag's magma pool. Dont underestimate the power of darkness and the healing reduction it gives against humanoids (which heal with every hit) undeads with siphon life or mechs with the 2 turn heal. Also lil deathwing is a near mirror image of frosty a very high rated WOTLK CE pet.
Lil' Deathwing... powerful, adorable, my kind of pet
I love the fact that he uses abilities that he actually uses in the raid! Like elementium bolt, which is probably the most powerful spell I've came across in all my pets (so far). Not to mention, he's also very adorable!
This bro is one of the hardest hitting pets I have. At level 25, his power is 357. Elementium Bolt usually hits for about 900+ damage on a non-crit with no bonuses. Tail sweep hits like a truck. Darkness is useful situationally (hits hard with human damage and blindness), but Roll can buff your Elementium Bolt to make it even more lethal. I like to pair him up with the Ghostly Skull and your four round burst damage can wreck most teams, assuming no massive pet family disadvantages.
@Gamerman: Ever heard of Wrathion? lol
So what's the point of the "Roll" ability? I don't quite get it. It deals little damage and makes your foe stronger...
*EDIT* He flys now! Thanks Blizz!