
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
Wing flutter (constsant); vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
The quest Saving Stellagosa will eventually lead players to the Azurewing Repose quest hub.
To access this quest, players must first complete the quest chain starting at Illidari Stand before unlocking the quest line that ultimately rewards Emmigosa.
To access this quest, players must first complete the quest chain starting at Illidari Stand before unlocking the quest line that ultimately rewards Emmigosa.
1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

Love her, she's perfect. Loved seeing her grown up more in Dragonflight.
Emmigosa has the same moveset as the Azure Whelpling, a rare drop from mobs in Winterspring..just for reference. :)
I was surprised and super excited when I got her as a pet!!!! I was very engrossed in what I was doing and totally didn't pay attention to what I was receiving as quest rewards. I had been hoping that I would be able to get one of those adorable little blue dragons as a pet, and then I did!!!
she is a magical beast (not beast type, I just mean she is good), I have been using her with my Chrominius for some entry level "howl bomb" style stuff... if something is weak to magic, you can garuntee to 1 shot with emigosa, especially after a howl from chrominius.. I am still pretty new at this so just trying stuff out, but I can see this little guy being MVP of legion.
Emmigosa is one of the pets that will carry a book in her wing while in the Nar'thalas Academy. :)
One more -gosa and we can have a full team of the Named blue dragonflight ^_^
While doing this quest line I exclaimed to my husband, oh I love Emmigosa, I need a pet that looks like her... low and behold she came home with me at the end! <3