Emerald Whelpling

Tiny Emerald Whelpling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
» Video
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Drop: Dreaming Whelp
Zone: Swamp of Sorrows

Tiny Emerald Whelpling
Item Level 30
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your whelpling.
Sell Price: 25
Prior to The Shattering, this whelpling was found from the Adolescent Whelps and Dreaming Whelps in Swamp of Sorrows. These creatures no longer exist.
As of Patch 4.0.3, the Tiny Emerald Whelpling drops from the Noxious Whelps found in Northern Feralas.
Level 0:

Finally dropped. Took about 30-40 laps around the lake. Big sigh of relief, now onto the Sprite Dater Hatchling...
Didn't take long at all, not even an hour I'm sure. Took 125 kills according to Rarity. What a cute little guy. I love all the dragon pets.
After about 3 hours of farming it finally dropped. Don't forget to get the whelplings on both sides of the lake :)
Just got mine - 1598 in... don't give up hope. Now on to collect those other whelps. good luck all
This little guy is my goto pet for general travelling around and catching wild pets.
With Emerald Bite, Moonfire and Tranquility can pretty much solo any 3 wild pets I run into. Put a pet I'm leveling first, Emerald Whelp second, and Turnip third (in case I find one I actually want to catch) just go around and attack something every time the heal cooldown is up.
Didn't time it or count, but it was maybe around 40 mins for me, maybe like a little over a hundred of em?
Just got mine after 503 kills.
Killed the Noxious Whelps around the ruins of Ravenwind
Finally got it on kill 719 today, now for that pesky Azure one...
Got it today. For years i havent had a toon in Ferales without grinding for it for sevel hours (20 toons) Now i dont have to do that enymore :D
Got it in 186 kills
Got it on the 571st attempt! So glad :)
I know this is a rare chance but i got this in 5 minutes after about 25 kills. I dodged a bullet with this one!!
Got it after 68 attempts! Now if I could have the same luck with the sprite darter hatchling.
Is this pet bugged? I've been at this for over 8 hours, I've killed over 15,000, that's right OVER FIFTEEN THOUSAND, I've gotten literally everything available on the Noxious Whelp loot table, BUT any of the pets. Not even the one that starts a quest. Do the Noxious Whelps still drop this pet?
I am beginning to think this pet is bugged, been looking for it for 6 hours today alone and not pet, getting all kinds of gear and filling my bags with garbage items, but no pet. Started keeping tract after several hours and well over 15 hundred kills. Others keep coming and leave within 15 minutes. Think they are getting the Emerald Whelpling I worked so hard to get, but I'm not getting it.
found this while leveling back in cata, jaw-dropped then used it in MoP with the PB system, works great against flying types
1300 in, and no luck yet... I'll do a couple hundred more today :)
Birthday Luck got it on kill 250
I am really surprised that this guy doesn't have a higher Battle Rating.
I got this pet ages ago, in Vanilla WoW. He was the first pet I leveled to 25 when I came back to the game after Battle Pets came out. He is an absolute Go To pet when fighting a Flying pet. With Emerald Bite, Moonfire, and Tranquility (211) he can withstand a ton of punishment while still dishing it out in return. He might not be a top All Star, but I think he is very under rated here.
1098 kills and it's MINE!!! Emerald Whelpling!!!!