Dark Whelpling

Dark Whelpling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007

Dark Whelpling
Item Level 30
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your whelpling.
Sell Price: 25
This pet was formerly known as 'Tiny Black Whelpling'.
After Patch 4.0.3a this pet was added to multiple "dark" whelpling loot tables. Zones where this pet may be found off of the whelplingsinclude:
- Wetlands (lvl 20 - 25 zone)
- Dustwallow Marsh (lvl 35 - 40 zone)
- Badlands (lvl 44 - 48 zone)
- Burning Steppes (lvl 49 - 52 zone)

Today I snagged one from AH for... 3g (over 10k as of now here, on Burning Legion ;)) !!! Seller either was drunk, didn't know what rarity of this pet is or simply putted wrong pet :). Too bad for him, sooo good for me :)))). Yesterday I bought Ore Eater for... 10g (over 14k as of now, hahaha maybe from same seller ???)!!! Checking AH regularly can really reward you for effort putted in it :P.
Finally got one after 211 attempts in the Badlands at 28.77, 38.23, killing any little dragonlings i found along the way. Got a blue one. Now for the crimson...
1500 and still nothing... I need a break
1164 kills and still nothing :(
but i will not give up ahh
In Wetlands, right where the map says it should be. About 1,100 kills in, which is the posted average. Around kill 800 or so, I got the Crimson Whelpling too.
Caught mine today on Fizzcrank. Took me 293 attempts in the Wetlands.
Finally got one on the West side of the Badlands near New Kargath. Only 1061 kills. <-----Sarcasm
Got my from a Searing Hatchling right outside of Ony's lair! Was actually hunting after a rare Spawn of Ony and just killing the hatchlings if I happen to come upon one. On my 25th kill I was surprised with a Dark Whelpling!
I was farming the Emerald Whelpling forever then gave up, came to Dustwallow Marsh to level some pets and decided to kill some of the things that drop the Dark Whelpling and got it on like the fifth or so one!
2688 and counting................................................. omg at last after 3521 attempts and 5 hours grind it dropped in Wetlands...might as well go for the Crimson one now :)
Sorta read the comments about this guy.. Killed 4 Scalding Whelp's in Lethlor Ravine and got him. Thinking the drop rate increased(?)
Finally after over 1000 attemps I finally snagged one of these. In the wet lands from an Ebony Whelp, been farming for Crimson whelplings.
Caught this after a little over 3 hours of grinding. Was farming the whelps in the Wetlands, right near where I farmed for the Crimson Whelping is a line of four whelpings on the top of a small hill that hte orcs sometimes come and capture. I farmed these as they have a fast respawn time. By the time I'd cleared the line the respawns had happend.
Badlands farming (on Kirin Tor) dropped after ~250 kills. Very happy :) Now for the others! Wish me luck.
Badlands farming (on Kirin Tor) dropped after ~250 kills. Very happy :) Now for the others! Wish me luck.
Third kill beside a cave at 55,84.2 in Dustwallow Marsh.
Extremely happy with tonight's new pets! Thank you old crone :-)
Finally! Was going to give up after 300 tries. Got it at 256. Lots of skins to sell too. Now time to level this bad boy up.
-- Update ---
I think you might be able to get more than one if you are nuts enough to spend the time. I killed a few more and my add on started a new count for me. I believe if you could only have one it would not count again because I have tried that on other pets.
815 kills here, spread in 2 days, got mine at 10.19 am on talnivarr EU, in wetlands. i dont think i'll farm for the crimson tho :p
Farmed this in Wetlands, got it the first day on my 516th kill, was pretty lucky, though it took about 4 hours to get at lvl 100. They do spawn very fast, i just went up and down one side of the area without any trouble.