Crimson Whelpling

Tiny Crimson Whelpling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and spins around.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Drop: Red Whelp, Crimson Whelp, Flamesnorting Whelp
Zone: Wetlands

Tiny Crimson Whelpling
Item Level 30
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your whelpling.
Sell Price: 25
Prior to The Shattering, this whelpling dropped from the Red Whelp, Flamesnorting Whelp, and Crimson Whelp. These creatures have since been removed.
As of Patch 4.0.3, the Tiny Crimson Whelpling is now a zone drop from the Wetlands.

I finally decided to farm this today at 67.53, 47.16 and after 5,109 attempts I got it! lol This is a great spot that you never have to move from as the mobs (Ebon Slavehunters and Dragonmaw Whelpstealers) come right to you. Got a lot of blues and greens and collected about 800g from the trash. Made a nice profit from all the blues and mats from de'ing the greens...around 5k
This is your daily reminder to check the Auction House for any pet you think is incredibly rare -- I just found a fully leveled Crimson Whelpling on the AH for 15k. Insane.
Just over 2600 attempts and I got it. I feel so lucky I might buy a lottery ticket. Lol
@Mankreef "...I haven't actually activated it yet, but it says Tiny Crimson Whelpling. ANy reason why it says Tiny???..."
Because, well, it's... tiny ??? ;)))
Has exactly the same abilities like Spawn of Onyxia, Onyxian Whelpling and Wild Crimson Hatchling, yet, even tho Spawn of Onyxia IS available in P/S breed (as the only one from them), stats slightly differ with 1237hp, 322p and 289s for CW and 1400hp, 305p and 273s for SoO.
You lucky dog! I've looted (at least) 500 roast Quail looking for this!
Woohoo! Someone had one of these on Burning Legion AH for 600gold! Considered reselling, but keeping it instead!
I haven't actually activated it yet, but it says Tiny Crimson Whelpling. ANy reason why it says Tiny???
Best spot to farm is at 67.22, 47.14 (if your not after the dark whelping as well). Slavehunters and whelpstealers come to YOU here and respawn VERY quickly.
Dropped after 11,448 i never been so happy :)
Took me about 11000 kills but I got one. The fighting enemies the orcs and the dragons do still drop this.
Found this little guy 10-09-2016 in Wetlands 56.5, 73.0 drop from the very first Silty Oozeling I shot down while on the "A Dumpy Job" quest.
There is a fine line between farming and buying but unless you are lucky i do find that this is better to watch for in the AH and buy for 10k based on the average gold/hour rates i get
Was actually doing a light grind for that dark whelpling, and about 100-200 enemies in, this one dropped! It's not too good for combat at lower levels (mine's level 2 right now, havent quite put a lot of time into it yet), but it seems to be holding its own.
Would have preferred (if it was possible) a H/P type thogh
UPDATE: Just got a dark one and ANOTHER crimson one in a further 300 ish kills
Took me 15,107 attempts but i finally got it, i was starting to think it would never drop! 67,47 is definetly the best place to farm it! Good Luck everyone, and dont give up!!
Both the Whelpstealers and Slavehunters can drop it. As Aladrias said, the best place to farm for it is at 67,47. Very fast respawn. I got mine after about 2200 kills. I kept farming, though, and killed a total of 5100, but I still had only the one drop.
Is it the Ebon Slavehunter and Dragonmaw Whelpstealer that drop this or the Ebon Whelp or something else?
I got my Crimson Whelpling today after 2,293 kills - it was easy enough that I think I'll be farming here for awhile.
I was farming at 67,47 (halfway up the road from Greenwarden's Grove to Twilight Highlands). With a good AoE, you can kill up to 250 Ebon Slavehunter and Dragonmaw Whelpstealer in 10 minutes. There are three mobs that spawn every 10 seconds at this point, close together, making for a fast and easy loot.
Took me 8000 kills. Ironically I got a Dark Whelping about 10 kills prior. Lots of work but nice rewards.
6700 kills and finally got it :)
Still plugging away at this little darling. Keeping my fingers crossed. According to rarity I am only at abouy 650 tries.I am starting to feel sorry for all the bodies I am leaving behind. Almost want to start a new alt with skinning.
Update: at 1700+ and I did infact start a skinning DK to clean up all the poor little bodies.
Woot!! Finally after 8892 attempts and 12:45:17 spent farming I finally got this little guy!!