Deepwood Leaper

Grooms face and sniffs air. Occasionally runs off and brings back a flower bulb in its mouth.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Level 0:

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

A befitting pet to go along with the Vulpera Rogue aesthetic. The Leaper has big wide ears, fluffy tail and cute face like a Vulpera, while also having the rogue's favored black and red colors.
This Critter is built for speed and all combinations of those breeds. S/S, particularly, with Nibble is great off the bat. However, P/S and H/S with 314 S is excellent and benefits the use of all other moves, besides Leap (which is never used in general on any pet).
Found as a secondary to a Tranquil Wader at Emerald Glade, around 55, 56
I have found this as a primary pet around central Ardenweald - specifically as I type this I am due east of the Refugee Camp FP just before the ravine where the road forks. My addons haven't updated so I don't have coordinates but this can be a primary pet. (as of this writing it is listed as addon only)