Scooter the Snail

Snail Shell
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.1.0 | Posted: April 26, 2011
This pet is chosen among four vanity pets as a reward after completing a chain of Children's Week quests. These quests may be accessed by characters level 10+. See the Guide to Children's Week for a detailed walkthrough of this chain. Other rewards for the final quest include Mr. Wiggles, Whiskers the Rat, and Speedy. Collecting all four pets on the same character is possible (over the course of four years) since the quests are repeatable each year.

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1-8 of 8

Snail God
I'm surprised at how well Scooter does against beasts. A critter to be reckoned with, like no other that I'm aware of in this way. I just did a lvl 7 v lvl 7 spider in duskwood and it was a 3 move crush of critter smokin beast!
Scooter at lvl 25 and stoned to blue, just helped me take out the Pandarian Spirit Tamers, awesome pet. Absorb, shell and dive and he is very hard to take out :)
This guy is one of only Four pets so far in the game that have 1969 HP as a level 25 rare. Awesome...
Scooter is a very underrated battle pet vs tamers. His large health pool makes him a tank. Using Absorb, Shell Shield, and Dive this pet can nearly solo the Kun'lai Summit Grand Master, Courageous Yon, and kills the Pandaren Earth Spirit's pet of the same name swiftly.
I used a stone on one of these and the level 25 rare stats are:
1969 hp
276 power
195 speed shows this pet, in my inventory, as the highest possible health... and thats at uncommon. I will be curious to pop a rare stone on this. Could be a super tanky pet with shell and his absorb attack.
... And that was a week before I even GOT it.
Now I have the snail on my 'auto summon' and he's aaaallllways out following me. I even take him to the beach at Darkshore sometimes to play with his snaily bretheren. :D
Adore Scooter! YAY FOR SNAIL!