Rusty Snail

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found on the beaches of the western coast in Ashenvale.

It seems like H/B is the ideal breed. The H/S breed is still going to be slower than almost everything, so the little bit of extra power from H/B would be more beneficial.
Got one rare after my 2 try.
Are alot of em around he Blackrathom Deeps - 19.45 server time
A little scotch, a little Drambuie and just a TITCH of slime and presto, you have yourself a Rusty Snail. Tasty after kicking Elemental butt.
I went up and down a few times, no pet battles to be found, period, this was at 12:45pm PST so maybe they are an early morning spawn? Â
It took me a few days to finally get a rare. Â I went several times throughout the day and morning always had a lot up. Â The respawn rate was very slow any other time. Â They also seemed to spawn fast when it was raining, but both times I saw that were morning hours.
I was looking for the best breed of rare. I went up and down the coast several times a day, but there would only be 5 or 6 there, never rares, and they would take forever to respawn. Then I went at 9am server time and the beach was crawling with them! The 4th rare I found was the breed I was looking for. Hope this helps =)
After some days without any luck, i got my rare today after 29 tries today on this one.
I got mine on Ruuzel's Isle (right off Zoram Strand). I got a rare on my first one. There were only 2 that I saw, and they were both on the isle.
At Zoram Strand 11:20 am server time Doomhammer the place was full of them
I went to Zoram Strand now, was all alone in whole Ashenvale, and found not a single one. Had to kill of some rats that was inside the Horde base at the south end, was 4 of them there. Waited 5mins and 2 of them spawned. 1 poor and 1 uncommon :)
Which breed of this would you all prefer?
Got a rare, 1:30 P.M. at Zorum Strand on Wildhammer.
Just got a common, the only one that was spawned at noon server time.
Good call on Zoram Strand. Found three near 8,29.
My first one was a level 6 rare on the tip of zoram strand near Ruzzel's island.
8:15 realm time, and got a rare first try. was on the island where you kill the hydra (horde quest)
got my rare after the second try, then battled another to lvl peanut up and it was a rare killed it cause already have one. on the zorm strand. they are everywhere :)
7:30 AM server time, just so happened to fly over the beach and check, and the beach was full. Â Found a rare on my 8th try.
Got my rare second try on Zoram Strand. Middle of the day
Found my rare on Zoram strand at 3rd try, had 354hp