
Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Working on my archeology, I figured I'd pick up any pets I didn't have from the area. I found two natural skunk rares in the Terokkar forest. You have to look for the skunks as they aren't as plentiful there and it took a while to find an H/S breed, but if I had completed my archeology before finding my H/S, I still would have walked away with two blues.
It's a conceipt of Blizzard's to make the most innocuous animals the most deadly. The skunk doesn't quite make the cut as 'innocuous', but has a reasonable set of moves and a useful debuff.
Duskwood seems by far the best place to find these - they are really common. They are also unfortunately low level, but if you are looking for a certain breed, I could go there.
Found my rare as a secondary pet to a worg pup in Howling fjord, the island of spears near kamagua village. He is easily soloable with a lvl 25 Celestial dragon.
I caught mine in the Moongraze Woods of Azuremyst Isle.
Found quite a few in Brightwood Grove in Duskwood where the Nightbane Worgen are.
I found mine near the secret lab in Ashara.
Came up as a second pet in a battle with a black rat in Duskwood.