Shy Bandicoon

Looks around.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in the north western grass fields and hills of the Valley of the Four Winds.

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1-14 of 14

This pet is found in the northwestern hills and plains of the Valley of the Four Winds. If you're looking for a fun daily quest in the area, I would check the Halfhill Market on your way there, especially for Old Hillpaw's chicken chasing daily. If you need the Red Cricket pet as well, it comes from his faction, the Tillers, and is rewarded by another Tiller, Sho when you become her best friend. Anyway, I hope that goblin alchemist recieved treatment for the aforementioned rabies!
The Bandicoon, the Bandicoon Kit, and the Shy Bandicoon all 3 have identical movesets. Also, the breed choices have identical stats. You could, for example, choose a S/S Bandicoon Kit, a P/S Bandicoon, and a B/B Shy Bandicoon and have all your bases covered. Using Powerball to raise your speed versus undead can help Tongue Lash hit that extra time.
I find these all around Paoquin Hollow, especially near the area where you have to retrieve the eggs for the Hidden Master. However, I have yet to come across a rare. The rares are shy indeed.
Update:Â Got a rare this morning, finally.Â
Got lucky on this one found a rare P/S my first try at 18.45, 49.58. Hope you guys have the same luck I did. Happy Hunting!
Pequan Hollow has many of this little critters running around. I got my rare on the first shot, so I hope that means they are easier to come by than some of the babies we chase.
Found one in the Singing Marshes. Uncommon Quality and dropped a Flawless Battle-Stone. 3:13 am EST Trollbane Server
The Shy Bandicoon never appears as a secondary. Pequan Hallow is a great place to multitask especially if you are a miner. There are easy mining spots around the perimiter. You can also look for Bandicoons and and Quillrats while looking for your Shy Bandicoon. (And for those looking for Lovely Charms, this is a good area to farm them from Zijin Hollowflies during Love is in the Air.)
15.45 and 20.53 battled 8 within 15 mins only 1 uncommon in group very plentiful at 11:30am server. they always appear first in my exp.
Went looking for these tonight and found one, just one, in Paoquan Hollow, nearish the wall. He was an uncommon so he'll do for now.
Looks like these can be found in the northwestern corner of the of the Valley of the Four Winds. Just got my Rare at 26.6, 51.7 just south of the Singing Marshes.
22,32. Saw my first Shy bandicoon. Right above Paoquan Hallow near Skyrange, for those without Co'ords. Came with a second one and a plain bandicoon. It had about 1200 health before i caught it (not entirely sure as health goes up after its caught) Its a rare. hooray! r
Along the wall north of the evil area and into the dark forest Paoquan Hollow
Confirmed, near Dread Wastes wall