
Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 10.2.0 | Posted: November 7, 2023
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

I found a triple Pewling lineup at 37,36 close by the Wellspring Overlook. It still took a while, but the green tint is very pretty. Thanks for the helpful tips!
I just captured a green Pewling, and the numbers prove out - I found a Fol'ya Pup with two Pewling secondaries, and after about 75 resets (I wasn't tracking carefully at first), one finally turned up. White quality, but I've hoarded plenty of stones to fix that. FWIW, it was just a little south of the Central Encampment, but north of one of the fire infestations.
The different skins are just highlight colors so show up in the tint of the white strip and the highlights on the black. There's sort of a yellowish, blueish, and greenish.
Pewling (along with Sapnibbler) seem to be the ONLY pets appearing as secondaries; so it is very easy to find packs with two of the same species to farm for their respective rare skins. Good luck!
The green Pewling variant is very rare: it has a 1 in 71 chance of appearing. The other two colours are equally common (35 in 71 chance).
Fortunately, the Pewling can appear as a secondary pet in battles. This means you can find a wild pet that has a Pewling or two (in the breed you want) as a secondary battler, and continually restart the battle until a green one appears. This only works because the colour (but not breed) of secondary pets with multiple appearance variants is re-chosen each battle (randomly, from their valid appearance options) while the colour of the primary pet never does. Just remember to heal up your team every few tries or you risk having an almost-dead team when a green one finally appears.