Mountain Skunk

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

I dont know what it is about this little fella, but I think he is far better looking than the other skunk battle pets. I think its those eyes. :3
i was hunting for Tiny Bog Beast rares and found this rare as a second pet in battle. north wetlands
I found that wetlands is by far the easiest place to find these, there arent a ton up at a time, but you dont have to cover as big an area as you do in a lot of the other areas where it spawns.
I would suggest setting an alt in wetlands if you are hunting for a rare, and log on it a few times each day.
A surprisingly good Critter pet for levelling. Keep Stench rolling, and use Perk Up to heal. To damage I used Scratch as I have a rubbish breed, but if you have a breed 9 it might be worth using Flurry as the extra speed means an extra hit.
I found my rare in Stonetalon Mountains, at the top of the map where there is a long patch of green to the left of Thal'darah Overlook. There were several Alpine Chipmunks there. I killed any critter that couldn't be battled and my rare Mountain Skunk was a secondary on an Alpine Chipmunk.
also available out in winterspring. (lvl 17)
The ONLY pet in Storm Peaks I could find for the Northrend Tamer achieve.
I had to enter > leave > enter the phased area outside Brunnhilder Village and attempt to click to enter into battle. I was finally able to do so when he was walking towards the village and was relatively close.
Beats camping empty spots until it snowed. Just some trial and error and some good timing - but it's a bit of a work around if you can't find any other pets in zone and need this for your achieve.
These guys are tough in a battle.. getting my @@s handed too me.. they keep on healing, you have to kill them in three rounds or it gets impossible. Â Definitely going to get the high level version in Winterspring..Â
I really cannot see the difference in the skin of this vesus the other skunks. Is it slightly more black?
Also Winterspring