Dream Badger

Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 10.2.0 | Posted: November 7, 2023
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

Found mine at 59,66 (after 2-3 hours spent)
Found at 47.93, 78.13 after 1 hour of flying around and killing placeholders.
Caught one 43 / 79 (and noticed others - all natural spawns) on the Summerjoy Shoal.
Found one up and running. It was not an add. Right below Amirdrassil.
Had the same happening to me as Donnerstag wrote. The Dream Badger was still caught, plus it was the last pet I needed for https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=19401/emerald-dream-safari
woah! I was just in my first battle with a Dream Badger, had him caged, and was teleported back to my Hearthstone mid battle? Loading screen and all? the battle crashed but my hearthstone wasnt even used. wtf
Took over an hour and more than 100+ Pewlings killed but finally got one to spawn at 50, 53
Confirmed, killed Pewlings for about 5 mins and it spawned at 53 58!
Good call Amelise - I killed the Pewling Battle pets and critters and Dream Badger spawned in 5 minutes or so....ty!
These share a spawn with Pewling. I farmed around 48, 57 and saw Dream Badger within 10 minutes.
Found onr of these at 48 53.