
Looks around.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

These frequently show up as secondary pets for Squirkys on an island NW of Azsuna (approx 19,20). I wouldn't recommend going here at a lower level as the island is covered in murlocs that could easily overwhelm you. Even as a max level player, these are not one-shot kills.
I just got my rare as a secondary in a battle at 56, 54 in Azsuna. He was a S/S. Good luck =)
The Bandicoon, the Bandicoon Kit, and the Shy Bandicoon all 3 have identical movesets. Also, the breed choices have identical stats. You could, for example, choose a S/S Bandicoon Kit, a P/S Bandicoon, and a B/B Shy Bandicoon and have all your bases covered. Using Powerball to raise your speed versus undead can help Tongue Lash hit that extra time.
rare in valley of the four winds primary 24,77
Between Bandicoon, Bandicoon Kit, Shy Bandicoon, Masked Tanuki and Masked Tanuki Pup,
yay socks is back
My Rare Bandicoon is a color changer. Each time I summon him he will randomly be any of the 3 skins.
Adorable pet! I managed to get one by the veiled stair and my team wasn't even high level (in the 14-16 range). You just have to get lucky some of its abilities miss and the trap works
Actually I was able to catch a Bandicoon Kit on the veiled stair in beta. I can't confirm that this hasn't changed in live, as I have yet to find any, but I can't see why it would have.
If you go up to the top of The Veiled Stair, these dudes are actually level 1 up there and available in all three colors. However, the Bandicoon Kit is not available at the top of The Veiled Stair.