Auburn Ringtail

Looks around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Found North of Moonclaw Vale (SE Val'Sharah)
Auburn Ringtail is a "Ratatta" of Battle Pets. You have to catch one to catch 'em all, but that's about the extent of its usefulness- it fulfills a small part of an achievement. It does have 2 select move sets to thwart Undead and Critter types but it dies off VERY fast on any team.
Found a rare right above Smolderhide Thicket in Val'sharah. It had a Kelp Scuttler and an Elfin Rabbit as addons. Was able to solo and capture it with a Blood Boil (25). Had a Golden Eaglet (24) and Rabid Nut Varmint 5000 (16) to take care of the add-ons. Was a relatively easy fight.
Despite the map showing them everywhere in southern Val'Sharah, I've only found them in Moonclaw Vale. They were not adds, they were freely walking amongst the satyrs and imps.
Location info is incorrect. You can find this pet as a main pet. Found mine in the bottom left of Val'sharah.
Found one standing at 59.65, 62.34Â
Found one walking around at 50,76 in the Field of Dreamers in Val'Sharah.
Realized my comment was in error; I was in the wrong zone. It's no wonder I couldn't find any. :)
Please purge!
Found mine in Val'shara 49,70.