
Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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1-7 of 7

Anyone landing on these comments in search of Roland these are the (only) type of 'Rats' you need for the Ach.
After many tries on several toons, stopping to battle every time I passed, the rat on Timeless Isle became a Rare S/S...only shame was that it wasn't gray at the time...my other 2 are white & brown, other breeds.
A single level 25 rat can also be found on the Timeless Isle, at the northern end of the Celestial Court. It contains secondary pets from the Jade Forest zone.
This is unique because it is the only primary rat at this level. The respawn timer is very quick, about 2 minutes after you defeat/kill it.
I found my rare at the Dalaran Crater in the Hillsbrad Foothills. This place is full of rats.Â
I named my Rat "Snitch" :-)
Found a great place, for rats even bats, its whispering forest, a area behind death knell, Flying mount its a prio,
Found in Undercity. Also easy to find in Tirisfal Glades.