Malayan Quillrat Pup

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-4 of 4
1-4 of 4

Found hin today secondary pet in the place indicated on the map :) It took a while and he was just a green but he was the last I needed for Pandarira Safaria
I'm a big fan of this pet. I use him as an opener against the Thundering Spirit Tamer. I use Spiked Skin, Posioned Fang, and Powerball. The combo is great against the opening spirit beast. I've not used him in too many other situations yet, but I went from dreading that tamer fight to taking it as a given once I added this guy to the line up.
BTW: I generally follow him with a s/s snake and then finish off with anything tanky.
I've found that my Quilrat pup is one of my fave battlers. A combo of a poison skill, protect & damage skill, and a a fairly high damage & speed increase skill (that doesn't have a cooldown) is pretty powerful. I highly recomend it.
Just found this as a secondary on the Softshell Snaplings in Rumbling Terrace in Valley of the Four Winds, a nice uncommon one! And that's just fine with me. :-)