Long-tailed Mole

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

I found this RARE Long-Tailed Mole as a secondary on the "Jaguero Isle" Cords are: 64.4, 86.1 good luck in your search!
I found a Green Long-tailed Mole attached to a Polly, while leveling pets in Northern Stranglethorn. I was quite surprised and happy!
I gave up a chance at an uncommon Baby Ape to get this rare. I haven't used him/her much -hope it was worth the delay. (I got the uncommon ape the next day, and a rare today, so it's all good.)
Like others, I was trying to capture a blue Long-Tailed Mole. I tried UnGoro Crater as well as STV to no avail. I decided to try Ironforge and my first pet battle was a blue one. Thank you for all the helpful comments.
thank you your info about ironforge was the best info ever! I got my rare in ironforge also. If you fly around a few minutes and killed the non rare and the non battle able pets and finally found a rare! worked perfect!
The easiest place imho to find a rare version of these guys is in Ironforge. Take an Ally toon and fly/ride/run around Ironforge and you'll find tons all over the place. My rare was all the way in the back of the Military Ward back where the Warrior Trainers are.
Caught a Long Tailed Mole attached to an Emerald Boa in Un'Goro Crater just east of Slithering Scar
Thank you Dawnseven very helpful comment!
I found this guy in Ironforge. He was on the roof (?!) of The Fighting Wizard in the Mystic Ward. I got the very, very (very) annoying message that the battle area was obstructed, but with a little moving around (I had to stand on the beveled part of the roof at the very edge) I finally got him to engage. Found a second one a minute or later outside the house opposite the Wizard (Longberry's Reagents) also in the Mystic Ward.
I found my guy along with a Strand Crab along the coast of the Cape of Stranglethorn.
These may be found in Ironforge. Check out wowhead for more accurate pets-by-zone data. The maps are teriffic.