Giant Sewer Rat

Giant Sewer Rat
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
» Video
Vocalizations (on-click)
Fishing required.
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.0.2 | Posted: November 12, 2008
Profession: Fishing [430+]
Zone: Dalaran Underbelly

Giant Sewer Rat
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss a Giant Sewer Rat
Sell Price: 10
This pet is obtained via fishing in the Dalaran Underbelly (sewers). Like other capital cities in Azeroth, a fishing skill of 1+ is all that's required to fish in Dalaran. See El's Extreme Anglin' guide Dalaran Fishing - Giant Sewer Rat for more information.

Over 800 tries spread out in short intervalse across 4 days but finally got it. In the Underbelly of Dalaran by the black market, not in a specific pool, just open water. Gotta love fishing with a 5 minute timer until your guard runs away!
Got mine today after 2028 attempts. It almost took me by surprise. Happy to have concluded this farm though. :-)
I fished mine up next to Cantrips & Crows today, in Dalaran (Northrend), version 9.0.5.
As of 8.3, this still drops. Got it on my 74th cast, I consider myself lucky.
I've been looking for a strong critter, and this guy definitely fits the bill. 341 power is awesome with stampede. What he lacks is speed, which isn't surprising. Would be a much better battler if crouch were in the 2nd slot. With such a slow per flurry is wasted.
Confirmed it still drops in Northrend sewers, Fished at Catrips and Crows for about a half hour when mine dropped, it dropped by itself and I got the achievement.
I'm struggling trying to get down there. I'm back from a long hiatus of playing and everytime I head down into the sewers I get killed. How do I get down there without dying? I've been trying to get this guys for YEARS and still don't have him . So frustrating. :(
Took 6 casts while reading comments about it lucky
Got mine yesterday in Northrend Dalaran sewers. Probably in the 200 to 300 range of casts.
I can confirm that this is still in the loot table if you fish outside of the red or green schools at the Black Market in the new Underbelly of Dalaran (Legion 2017). Just got mine closer to 1000 casts. Good luck out there! Don´t give up :3
Got to about 500 casts and was about to call it a night after my worm supreme buff ran out and got him in the last 12 seconds of it. Cool pet, looks huge when you give it the magic biscuit.
I wonder if this will still be available when Legion releases and Dalaran moves (again)?
Took 879 casts but I finally got it.
A very powerful pet with no abilities which take avantage of that. Do not battle this pet.
started fisging with a skill of about 350 and got the rat after about 120 tries.
here's what i also got:
sickly fish * 10
I spent over an hour and a half fishing for him in the Dalaran fountain only to find out that only the edges have the sewer loot tables, so I broke down and grabbed him from the AH. I don't care that I didn't get the achievement; I got a giant rat for my Critter team and that's what matters.
I set out to catch this in the Black Market with my fishing at around 85. It took me 5 days and a ton of trys. I eventually caught it off of the dock near Crows Tavern shortly after I hit 600 on my fishing skill. It will pop up but expect to try more then a 1000 times before it actually pops up, specially if you start low like i did.
Woot Finaly got this guy, spend many hours in Cataclysm times trying to fish this up and finally got him today after around 150 casts :)
I got mine from the BMAH for 1400g, making Breanni proud by getting another Pet, but making El sad by not getting it from actually fishing myself.
Got it today in the Fountain while fishing for coins.