Fjord Rat

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click and while moving)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

Finally got my rare Fjord rat in Wyrmskull as the third in a pack of three. Barely beat the Daggercap Hawk to it - thought somebody was joking about those being an issue, evidently they weren't.
find alot as the primary pet at utgarde keep but have done about 20 battles and have only found greens none rares
Anyone notice these got MASSIVE lately? I thought it was for halloween but none of the other rats have gotten bigger?
Well THAT hasn't happened in awhile! Following the advice left by another commenter I went to Giant's run and got a rare as primary on my first fight! Secondaries were a turkey and a squirrel. Turkey proved a pain as it kept putting my pets to sleep! Overall fairly easy fight though. VERY low health on the fjord rat so I'm curious what breed it is.
Found a rare after my 5th battle with someone else farming the area at 29.69 67.91 YAY!!
One of the reasons these are hard to find as the primary is, as Crittergeek said, the hawks will swoop down and kill them. So you gotta be quick.
I spent the better part of a day upgrading this Northrend pet. I cycled between the Giant's Run, Wyrmskull and Skorn spawn points. Though the addon showed 3 Fjord Rat spawn points in Skorn, I didn't see a single one as a primary the entire time I farmed there. (I finally got a breed 3 rare as a second to a regular Rat.)
A note: even as a 90 I still aggroed the casters on the towers quite often (even though the mobs on the ground (who were 10x closer) - ignored me.
Actually no, they are found themselves and as adds to a lot of different pets in the zone.
Woah hes a big boy, found gim at the base of Utgaurd keep in wyrmskull village several appeared on my minimap and the second i battled was my rare.
captured an uncomon while looking for a rare fjord pup. isle of spears. :) big for a rat
I found a rare as secondary to a Rabbit up above Valgarde :)
This little guy showed up as a second to a turkey in Howling Fjord...the turkey was poor quality, but he was uncommon so I trapped him instead!
They also spawn in Wyrmskull village just to the north of valgarde. Â Got mine about 8:30pm.
got it in valgarde keep