Carrion Rat

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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There are only 2 primary pets that I have seen in Hyja; both at the Seat of the Chosen. I have not been successful in having the carrion rat spawn as a secondary pet.
I caught mine near the lake just below the flight master near the lake under the word NORDRASSIL on the map.
Rare B/B caught as a 3rd to a chipmunk south of the Grove of Aessina
Got him as a second battling Grotto Vole in Hyjal Barrow Dens.
Couldn't find this guy by himself while flying around so I decided to battle rock viper near the Seat of the Chosen and there he was!
I have the PetTracker mod. Â I went to an area where the pet spawns and just started battling everything in hopes of a primary spawn. Â Second battle spawned it as a secondary. Â Do not give up! Â Battle everything, try leveling other pets to keep the monotony away. Â Happy gaming!
Just found my rare at Circle of Cinders area when pulling a Silky Moth. So keep hunting. Took like 15 battles in the area for it to show up. Good luck all.
This guy was no fun at all. After about two hours running around the Sulfuron Spire and Ascendant's rise area with no luck I found an uncommon as backline to an Ash Lizard at 43,73. Unfortunately for me none of the comments below helped at all so I guess it's a bit pot luck and a bit dedication.
found them as primary battle on the ledges across from FL around some bones, green on the first
I had a VERY hard time catching a rare version of this pet. Spent 2 days in Hyjal scouring the Ascendan't Rise area, Sethria's Rest area, and fighting almost every other pet I found in hopes that I would get him as a secondary. Finally found one as a secondary to a Fire Beetle at the Throne of Flame (lava pit area near Ascendant's Rise). Not my "ideal" breed (12,22), but at this point, I'm not hunting for another one lol. Good luck to all in their search.Â
This rat is a great fighter! She's one of my level 25's. I love her blue coat and the rat/mouse animation is really cute :) Apologies to y'all that I forgot to note how I got her at the time :( I went on a pet catching spree in Mt Hyjal that day, and I am happy that I got a rare. GL to all of you trying to get that rare or breed :)
Your can also find Carrion Rats attached to Elfin Rabbits and others in Nordrassil.
Lots of these guys in Sulfuron Spire area
Foundas 2nd with a fire proof roach, uncommon
Found my rare as a add to a twilight beetle, so they come alone and as add to another battle pets in MT hyjal
Have yet to find any as primaries, have only found these guys as secondaries to Flame-proof Roaches around Ascendant's Rise.
came as an extra with a fire proof roach in scorched plains.. picked up the roach but will update if these critters show up as primary pet battles