Spring Rabbit

Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Grooms face and scratches ear and mates with other Spring Rabbits to produce baby bunnies.
ยป Video
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Mates with other Spring Rabbits, producing eggs (offspring).
World Event: Noblegarden
Vendor: Noblegarden Merchant (Horde), Noblegarden Vendor (Alliance)
Drop: Brightly Colored Egg

Spring Rabbit's Foot
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your Spring Rabbit.
This pet's drop rate from a [Brightly Colored Egg] is estimated at about 1 in 200, although it may be lower.
The 100 [Noblegarden Chocolate] required to purchase the pet may be obtained by looting Brightly Colored Eggs found during the event throughout all level 5 starter towns.
This pet's special animation enables it to fall in love with any nearby Spring Rabbit it sees. The two will prance around, shooting out small eggs, which spawn patches of flowers and baby bunnies. Additionally, this pet will leap great distances to the player's feet.
Credit for the "Breanni Says" below goes to Ravedruid at WoWhead.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!

S/S breed is really good for PVE. In particular the Stratholme dungeon is full of undead boss bets. Rabbits and hares also work surprisingly well against magic pets due to the tick damage provided by stampede.
I grinded 3 S/S hares/rabbits for a PVP team, but it's in PVE these cuties really shine.
There are so many different breeds of rabbits, and this one is fixed at S/S. This guy, to me, is the key to defeating the Pandaren Earth Spirit team. Using Flurry, Dodge, and Burrow with the correct timing, you will take out the Pandaren Earth Spirit and still have very high health to be able to hurt Sludgy (334 speed vs your 357) pretty good also. Realize that hisย Crystal Prison doesn't hurt you at all, and take advantage of the fact thatย Dodge lasts 2 rounds because you go first.
Spring Rabbit only comes in S/S breed so possibly easiest 357 speed rabbit to find. While these rabbits only got 227 power they have alot going for them. First they are pretty much faster than anything you will face, barring flying pets. This means they will get alot out of Flurry, two turn use of Dodge and a timely avoidance in Burrow. They do have counters, especially Beasts/Priority moves/Shells.ย Can be truly annoying and difficult to handle. All in allย good pet.ย
I was really hoping this would be the purple bunny with blue spots like Lindsay has :(
I got my spring rabbit while I was hunting for the eggs. When I was looking through my bags I saw tis odd looking icon and paned over it and it says "Click to learn and summon this companion. I was so thrilled because these things never ussaly get things like this LOL. Happy Hunting :Dย
Also, this little guy will run off a ways, or get left behind while you're mounted, and then take an enormous LEAP to get back right on top of you! Very cute.
With this pet x2, Spring is most definitely in the air.
Edit: This pet now also mates with the Turkey and makes baby bunnies which hatch from eggs... I think in a wierd way that makes sence.
BRB, calling D.E.H.T.A.