Pricklefury Hare

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

I found the pale grey variant as the primary pet at 83.98, 41.77 in the Ohn'aran Plains, possibly using up the rest of my luck for a month at least.
I found a rare Pricklefury Hare as a secondary pet to a common Kindlet at the Life-Binder's Conservatory on the Waking Shores. Then it was just a matter of restarting the battle for 40 minutes until I hit the rare white version. It was H/B.
Tips if trying for a rare color (white in this case):
1. Use blue 25's with a heal ability.
2. Try to find a situation where the pet you want fills both back slots-double the chance each attempt.
3. Its helpful if all the enemy pets are grey/white. Makes it easier to succeed as you may start the fight with reduced health.
4. An area with no agressive animals makes it easier to keep redoing the fight as well as no chance to accidently kill the pet you are trying to fight.
Very common both as primary and secondary pet around Wingrest Embassy in The Waking Plains.
The white variant of the Pricklefury Hare is extremely rare: just a 1% chance of appearing, according to the game database! The green variant appears 30% of the time, and the dark brown 69%. Fortunately, this pet can appear as a secondary, and if you find one in this role you can keep resetting the battle until it appears in the rare colour. This may take a very long time, so you'll have to monitor your pet team's health heal them up every few battle restarts.