Noblegarden Bunny

Noblegarden Bunny
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Grooms face and scratches ear. Produces a chiming sound upon laying a sparkling egg (non-interactable).
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
The 100 [Noblegarden Chocolate] required to purchase the pet may be obtained by looting Brightly Colored Eggs found during the event throughout all level 5 starter towns.
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

I'm certain I had this pet already, I know I spent at least 2 Noblegardens camping eggs furiously. Anyone else experience this?
Both online sources and the in game pet description both currently list this pet as costing 100 of the Noblegarden Chocolates. It actually costs 200, and I hope that gets updated soon for everyone planning their chocolate grind! :)
Falconwing Square (close to Silvermoon) is the best place to farm the eggs for Horde players. If you farm them with an <110 alt you can do the daily quest at same time for extra XP.
Nice pet!
This pet has it all! Both looks and skills. Took me around 30 min to get it. I chose Azyremyst - less competitions for eggs.
Took me about 15-20 mins of camping to get this... not bad. There is a place around the corner from the goldshire inn where 4 egg spawns exist (2 along the wall, 2 in the flower bed box). If you sit somewhat in the middle of the 2 wall spawn points, you can camp all 4 eggs. They spawn pretty fast.
It's S/S but with a non-standard base. Usually rabbits have 357 speed while S/S. This one has slightly more power and 341 speed (so still enough to outspeed the Wicked Soul.). What is nice. :)
You need 200 choclate eggs for this beauty. 50 min. collecting in Karanos was enough to get one ;-)
I always wanted this coloring since the event/collecting eggs turns u into this bunny! can't wait! Sooooon my precious pink pet sooon
This bunny is too cute! Hoping it's available as a ninja breed, since it seems to have the standard awesome bunny moveset, in addition to some fun extras.