Mountain Cottontail

Grooms face and scratches ear.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Players may stumble across a unique version of this pet. Rather than the matte, dull white that most rabbit critters share, the Mountain Cottontail can sometimes spawn with a glossy coat. However, this seems only for aesthetic purposes, as the unordinary shine does not seem to impact its rarity, stats or abilities.
Mountain Cottontails that had a glossy coat prior to the rabbit model update will spawn with a gold appearance.
Mountain Cottontails that had a glossy coat prior to the rabbit model update will spawn with a gold appearance.

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1-15 of 15

This website shows 4 color variants for this rabbit.
 1] White and Brown
 2] Brown
 3] White
 4] Shiny Gold
There is a 5th variant - Shiny White (or Silver).
The Shiny Gold variant is no longer available to catch in the wild. If you have one, it is the result of summoning it during a previous patch where the skin variant got unintentionally modified.
So i caught a shiny silver cottontail in Redridge Mountains today. Dunno about the golden one though, I already have one but its a S/S breed :/
Edit: Ok the silver shiny ones are all over the place (dunno why cause they just as shiny as the golden ones). I ended up thunderclapping them by the dozens to get the golden one to spawn but no luck so far.
Lolia, you are incorrect, SOME LUCKY people who had colour changing bunnies before now have golden ones. You CAN NOT catch the shiny golden bunnies in the wild, either you had a colour changer before the bug and now lucked out and it is golden or you missed out. I am one of those who missed out. Blizzard really need to update the elfin rabbit and mountain cottontail to also spawn the golden skin in the wild (even if only a 1% chance to spawn with it) just so that other people have a chance it.
I just fount a "blue rarity" shiny silver Mountain Cottontail in Highmountain yesterday. So never fear! Silver and gold varieties are both still available for those who search. :0)
I also have a gold Elfin Rabbit.
 UPDATE: Well my bad again! I would retract my incorect comment but I think the info in the comment above is important and deserves some context.
For those who have captured a Shiny Mountain Cottontail before the new model came out, it is now a Golden Mountain Cottontail. Hope you don't lose it and have fun with it! <3
The shiny variant seem to be more common than the ordinary white one right now. Seen one rare and several of lower qualities, just today.
Ok so. Shiny skin is back in, just tamed one, which is awesome. But interesting note, the shiny Mountain Cottontail I had from before Legion is a colour-changer when summoned, the interesting bit is that it can summon as the shiny skin as well.
My summoned shiny skinned mountain cottontail seems to be a different colour each time I login. During a jewelcrafting quest I was sent to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to collect a crystal heart from a golden rabbit. This NPC looked like the shiny skin bunny in my pet journal, which made me very hopeful that Blizzard would make the skin available in game. Alas no such luck.
I wonder what happened to the shiny skin? Seems broken...
Just found my shiny's poor quality, but nothing a stone can't fix. S/S breed, lvl 4 so by itself, at 46, 64. Figured I'd better get this, just in case they change things in Legion (see new rabbit models), so I'll at least have a CHANCE at having this awesome shiny skin. :)
There is a very high chance that these rabbits join in as secondarys on lvl5+ pets all over the zone. I myself found 3rares (one shiny:) out of 7battles trying to get my rare buzzer.
Ahhh, I found a rare and as I was changing out pets to be sure I could capture it, a Redridge Fox killed it. Â :( Â I'm currently waiting to see if it will respawn in the same general area soon. Will update if so.
Well, one did a little bit away in 5 mins. Not the same breed, level or combo pet, but this was better! Â 1st was a level 6 B/B rare with an uncommon to battle. Â The one I caught was level 4 S/S rare. Â No other pet to battle. Â Thx Redridge Fox!!
ok this one confuses is part of the Kalimdor safari Achievement yet there are non in Kalimdor? Only in redridge mountains in Eastern Kingdoms? Am I missing something?
as the first poster said - redridge :)
These rabbits have 4 skins... make sure you get the one you like
Brown and White
Shiny reflective super bright White *Â Â
* My Favorite... took a few attempts to get a Rare version of this shiny one, but it was worth it.