Elfin Rabbit

Grooms face and scratches ear.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

Lolia, you are incorrect, SOME LUCKY people who had colour changing bunnies before now have golden ones. You CAN NOT catch the shiny golden bunnies in the wild, either you had a colour changer before the bug and now lucked out and it is golden or you missed out. I am one of those who missed out. Blizzard really need to update the elfin rabbit and mountain cottontail to also spawn the golden skin in the wild (even if only a 1% chance to spawn with it) just so that other people have a chance it.
This pet should be updated on this site. Like the Mountian Cottontail Elfin Rabbit also comes in shiny gold. It's soooo pretty!
Update: Oh... Bummer, sorry.
I caught a level 25 rare on Val'Sharah (downgraded to level 23 upon capture) -- so you can find these on the Broken Isles at a high level.Â
Me too.
Why rabbit become golden.
Not sure what color my Elfen Rabbit was before but it is a Golden Bunny now, anyone else have an Elfin Rabbit turn golden?
It's not in the zone list, but I found a group of these in Val'Sharah at 45.6,35.4. They might only be near the Dreamgrove.
Farming rare Crested Owls in Teldrassil and ran across a rare Elfin Rabbit at 66.1, 46.3.
Hope this helps someone.
I have been farming these in Mt Hyjal for three days, no luck on rare but lots of uncommons. I'd recommend using a stone on this one if you really want a rare.
Found a rare at Darnassus, near the left hand side of The Temple of the Moon, around 9:30am realm time.
There're a few scattered around Darnassus, but in months of visits there, never a rare.
Inside Maraudon I got this as a secondary pet in one of the pet battles, there's a few in there for sure! Uncommon one on first try! :)
I found a few to the south of Dolanaar on Teldrassil, pretty much on the edge of the map. Got a rare on the second one which was lucky!
I found mine in Desolace at 54,40. He was all by himself and so far in the zone this was the only location that I spotted one.