Darkmoon Rabbit

Darkmoon Rabbit
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Grooms face and scratches ear.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 2, 2012
The Darkmoon Rabbit mob spawns in a cave on the Darkmoon Island, which is accessible only when the Darkmoon Faire is open. This mob is an elite raid boss that has roughly 174,454,800 health. Players will receive the achievement That Rabbit's Dynamite! after defeating the rabbit.
The Darkmoon Rabbit is a reference to the Rabbit of Caerbannog in the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Level 0:

Just got mine today via the auction house. I've seen them listed many many times before at 2.5+ million gold and someone listed him for just under 60,000 gold. Thank you mysterious auction person, this was a fabulous Christmas present.
I remember getting this first try. I was so happy!Â
Defeated rabbit yesterday with no pet drop, so I opened a ticket with a gm and he let me know that it is no longer a guaranteed drop and that you must be Lvl 119+ in order to be eligible for the drop. :(
I was getting more than a little sick of the drop rate on this so I turned to the AH. I got an s/s for a disgustingly cheap price! I was SHOCKED! I won't say how much (because I don't remember) but I remember being SHOCKED! lol Anyway if you're 120 and still camping the cave... Shame on you! Just buy it! xD
What does S/S or B/B and such mean on this pet? I can't find anywhere that documents those terms.
The AH gold prizes of Darkmoon Rabbit are falling down dramatically in several realms, even the  S/S level 25.Â
Snagged a S/S for 27k today:)
40 kills - 2 drops - both B/B. I hate my life.
With Patch 6.2.2. this is now set on personal loot. This means that multiple people can win a pet with each kill (also, no more unscrupulous raid leaders becoming loot ninjas). If the body shows to be lootable to you, you've won a Darkmoon Rabbit of your own!
I won him the second time I killed Darkmoon Rabbit.
To you out there who's camping the cave and whatnot I only say: "server hopping" ^_^
YES!! Finaly caught the Darkmoon Rabbit with S/S! The best breed ever! Takes a LOOONG time to get it in Darkmoon. Camp by the cave and dont let your eyes leave the cave. If so you wont get your chance to take 1st hit on it to become your loyal companion! Happy Hunting! ^.^
No interactivity with Murkalot. This needs to be addressed.
This rabbit has a viscious streak a mile wide!
In all seriousness though, this little guy can really pack a punch. My b/b can kill the NPC pandaren earth spirit and knock sludgy to half health. A p/p Emerald Proto-Whelp can clear the rest up.
EDIT: In reply to the comment below mine, the rabbit is like any other single target loot- the first person or group to pull it will get the wee beastie. I rolled within the group.
I have the worst luck when it comes to this pet...I either miss spawn, someone ninja's it by dropping group, tags the boss while anyone is unaware and everyone helps them kill it, or my roll sucks. The price is always out of my reach /cry
Does it spawn more then once per faire?
bougt myself a h/s breed for quite cheap. only 10k in fact:) lvled it up, and traded it for a s/s breed.
dont know which one is worth the most, a lvl 25, or the s/s, but im happy for sure. and it really doesnt take that long to lvl em either:)
You do not need a lot of people to kill the boss. We did it in a group of 6 people (about 3 am server time >.<, late night? early morning?). I was on my hunter, pet tanked. With my "luck" I thought I would just buy it from AH, but it dropped for me. Good luck to everybody.
Not sure if anyone has noticed but when you click on him he actually makes little squeaky noises lol it is adorable. :)
This is probably my luckiest catch when it comes to pets. For months I swam across the water during Darkmoon looking for the Rabbit. The very first time I saw him, I asked to join the group that was attacking him. I joined the group, helped kill him, rolled him and named him Monty. I couldn't believe the luck I had. Let's hope I have the same with more :^)Â
I got extremely lucky and picked this guy up for 5k via posting in trade I was looking to buy. Got a B/B breed, but seems to do ok. Used him with Chi Chi and a Valk in PVP and works great, even against death adders. Wild magic, feign death, doom, haunt, big sharp teeth and dodge, then repeat.Â