Trench Slug

Idles about.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
The Trench Slug is a wild pet that spawns inside The Eternal Palace raid.
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

Did the first Raid Finder wing and was able to find one of these as a secondary in the tunnel before the 2nd boss. Waited for the raid to finish then went back and cleared out the pets once to force a respawn when none were up the first time.
In LFG mode you can get these in the first wing, but they seem to be rarer than the other two wild pets endemic to this raid. One often spawns in the watery section of the Halls of the Chosen (where you have to jump down terraces) before the third boss, Radiance of Azshara. They seem to be rare as secondaries. Because LFG stops at the third boss you can go back and capture them after the raid is over. And if someone has already taken them, don't fret: they do respawn.
These can be found as back line spawns in the water tunnels around Lady Ashvane, and very rarely as a primary spawn in the pools above her (I have only seen one so far).
At the moment, once Lady Ashvane is dead, you are dropped into a lower area and are completely unable ot backtrack. As such, getting these is going to be tricky at best!
I recommend bringing a stealth class and/or aggro-dropper; many of them are in and around mobs, making it very difficult to get to them!