Pygmy Cow

Glass of Warm Milk
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
The Pygmy Cow can only be looted from a level 3 Barn in the garrison.
A brown wooden mug will spawn on either the first or second floor of the Barn; it does not have the standard container "glow". Hovering over it with the mouse cursor will highlight it, however.
Players will need to get creative to reach the second floor of a level 3 Barn, as there is no direct path up and flying in Draenor is not possible. Using Goblin Gliders or the XD-57 "Bullseye" Guided Rocket Kit (from the level 2 Gnomish Gearworks or Goblin Workshop) are two possible ways, but there may be many other methods.
Players can loot the pet from the wooden mug only once per character.
A brown wooden mug will spawn on either the first or second floor of the Barn; it does not have the standard container "glow". Hovering over it with the mouse cursor will highlight it, however.
Players will need to get creative to reach the second floor of a level 3 Barn, as there is no direct path up and flying in Draenor is not possible. Using Goblin Gliders or the XD-57 "Bullseye" Guided Rocket Kit (from the level 2 Gnomish Gearworks or Goblin Workshop) are two possible ways, but there may be many other methods.
Players can loot the pet from the wooden mug only once per character.
Level 0:

Milk cup spawned on second floor in BFA. I used my manasaber cat mount and flew to the perch. Dismounted and pushed in, a gnome or dwaft would be cake to get in.
Is this still do-able in BfA? Do you have to do the jumping part for it to show up or can you just fly in?
i really like this on my team as a graves counter. i use nexus p/p and arcane eye with it. I put stampede in 1, the heal attack in #2 slot, and the dmg/chance to stun in #3. 3 -- 1 -- 2 to start and respond as necessary. at least i have found it extremely useful for all the undead teams there seem to be on PVP recently.
I just got my lil cow last night! :D The cup originally spawned on the top level of the barn, I could see it thru the opening. But I logged out and went to another character. Checked on her followers and their missions, came back to the toon with the barn. And there on the ground floor, on top of some boxes by the cups and plates, was my cup of warm milk!!! No need to switch my buildings around! ;)
Good luck!
And dear people, this pet is what you need during the Celestial Tournament.
Mother's Milk heals only backline pets, spreading the healing pool between them, so the precious points aren't wasted to outheal yourself.
Alterac Brew-Pup has a similar ability, but Pygmy Cow has better stats.
Got it without any goblin trick, I'm in the horde, I just put my barn under the cliff (at the left of the hostel), I went up the cliff and jump on the roof, and manage to attempt the second floor where the cow was waiting for me! *-*
I saw it thru the window on the second floor, tried jumping around, prepared to do the glider challenge and booted from the server (what???) logged back in and it was on first floor on a shelf above the plates and other cups. eazypeazy!
Don't worry about doing all the fancy glider tricks. If it doesn't spawn on the first floor just keep switching the barn with another medium builing and it will eventually spawn.
I just build the lvl 3 barn and when i first went into it, there was the glas of warm milk, standig on some boxes. I could take it easily by jumping on a box. That was it. No problems. :)
If you see it has spawned in the top get a couple of Goblin glider kits, Place the barn next to the Menagerie and jump from the tree to the Barn roof using a glider.
Get to the very top of the barn and walk out onto the square piece of wood and face the window (wait for the glider to be ready) and walk off backwards and activate the glider and you should be inside to loot the milk.
It was the way I got mine after a little lateral thinking :)
Lower level, in the pen you reach by jumping the fence near the water trough. It's a glass on the ground, right near a pile of poo. Very cute pet! I did not have to do a building swap. It spawned downstairs for me, I looted and then it repsawned in about five minutes and my hubby got it. He also has a level 3 barn which appears to be a requirement for getting this pet.
Thank you so much, my blood pressure was going up trying to get this glass. After reading the suggestions above I logged out two times and it was there the third time. Doing a little happy dance~
One cow per character. If you have several garrisons just swap the buildings it should respawn for your alt character.
THANK you for posting where you found yours, after days of searching for the glass, finally came here and people saying to jump the gate near the water. Now I have my lil cow! Love the sounds he makes =)
I kept forgetting to get this guy! I swapped my barn and tavern and poof , there was my milk!!!I just had to go into the barn ( horde barn ) then into the space at second left. I then jumoed fence into first space and it was there next to the horseshoe and sack. I left the barn there too.. I like it better. WHAT A CUTIE PIE!!!
I found my Glass of Warm Milk in the first floor, just jumping the small gate close to the water.
Thank you for posting the swapping trick. I just got my barn to level 3 and the milk was on the 2nd level. I swapped it three times and the milk respawned on the stall on the left on the first floor.
You saved my sanity so thank you.
Found my Glass of warm milk in the first stall on the left as you walk into your lvl 3 barn (I hadn't done any swapping)... the gate is closed but all I had to do was jump the fence from the next stall on the left and there it was... in the corner.. holy cow I was excited!!! Cowabunga!! She's moovelous and udderly cute!!! XD
The swapping trip worked today 1/18/2015. Thanks for posting it!
The swapping lot trick worked for me, the brown cup was on the top shelf of the frontmost hutch on the left side of the barn. It doesn't glow or look conspicuous. I had to mouse over it to see the little gear & pick it up.