
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This pet has a chance to drop from a Sack of Pet Supplies which is the reward for completing a Pet Tamer quest or daily quest. The sack can also drop Battle Pet Bandages as well as other vanity items.

Been doing Trixxy every day for a year and got this today so the 1:300ish sounds about right. I agree with the earlier post on this pet, cute goes a LONG way even if it's useless as a fighting pet.
Wow really? 1 in 300+? I got it in my first supply bag.. What the heck, but going for another Crawdad, nope never getting it again. :D
@FURKEL Ha ha.... :) so basically almost useless in battle but cute as a pet. :)
This little guy just wandered in my bags, after going toe to toe with Lydia Accoste. I bet she was holding him hostage. Well he's safe now.
I was wandering around Pandaria visiting the pet trainers and after winning a match, lo' and behold, I saw the text that I just got this pet! Much whooping and hollering, I really didn't think I'd ever see this cutie pie. Who cares if he's a good battle pet, CUTE goes a LONG WAY and this lil' guy is 10's across the board in that department! GL to all of you who are hoping for your own! :)
Just started to get into pets in the last week, finished the fable and panda dailies yesterday for the first time and this guy dropped !!! With it like 8 stones ! lucky!but still no Valkyr
I guess i just got lucky, started doing dailys yesterday and did my dailys today and this guy drop in my bag. Lucky me. lol
So, how long has it taken for people to get this pet. I don't know how many bags I have opened but it's been a lot. I have a lot of max level pets and no porcupette, crossing fingers and keep on rolling.
over 360 and still no procupette =(
This little critter does ok against other critters and undead. Against Undead there are other critters that does a lot better than the Porcupette. Outside these two families this guy does not have much going for it. With 260 power Poison Fang/Bite/Powerball hits very weak, and with only Spiked Skin for protection you won't last enough turns to make the weak hits count. Does not really help that Survival(speed dependant) is on same tier as Powerall. Not a top pet, but is not totally useless.
I complete the entire circuit of Pandaria Pet Tamer Dailies on every log in and have completed the Longest Day Achievement...was a very long day...and I still have not received this pet drop. So sad, but so determined...you will be mine
I've been trying for this pet for a long time. Now it seems not only am I not seeing the lil guy, but I'm not seeing any battle stones either. Guess my random drop luck has run out. (sigh) Will keep going cuz I am a die-hard & won't be happy 'til I get him. Grats to all those that have him & good luck to all those that are still working hard. 8*) Finally got him 1/28/14 after doing all battle pet dailies in Mists!
I literally just got this guy from a bag of pet supplies. I'd never looked up how to get him and was surprised at seeing him in the loot. I have 54 lv25 pets atm, and 50 of those pets were leveled exclusively from their caught/learned lv to 25 from trainer battles. Either this is a low drop chance, or I was just unlucky in it taking so long to learn.
Does anyone know the drop rate of this? I've been doing pet battles and most of dailies daily from mid june to present and I've yet to have this pet drop. Wowhead says it has a .3 drop rate? Hell, I've gotten so many different ribbons it ain't funny and those are a .4 drop rate.
I'm losing hope here. Dx
After several weeks of doing all the Pandaria dailes almost every single day, plus the non Pandaria ones more irregularlly, this adorable little pet dropped from the bag I recieved from Hyuna of the Shrines. :)
Also, I think I would be the idiot who would try to pet this little porcupine, regardless of the fact that I had been specifically warned not to. :)
Random Fun Fact Time:
My Porkki dropped from Lydia Accoste. Don't neglect the Old World tamers when you get to Pandaria! Try to station one of your characters at each Grand Master who has a chance to drop Porcupette. That would be Lydia Accoste, Stone Cold Trixie, Antari, Obalis, Major Payne (yes, he is that), and all the tamers in Pandaria.
I got Porcupette from Aki the Chosen near Shrine of Seven Stars just now at 345pm Zangarmarsh time, 545pm EDT. So happy!!!! I have been doing pet dailies [irregularly] for about a month. Good luck to all!
Got one from Major Payne this morning. Heading off to SW to demolish a few rats.
Beginning to despair, when what should my wondering eyes should appear? Yup. Porky.
Thank you, Trixxy.