Perky Pug

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Scratches for fleas, sniffs the air, and occasionally scoots butt across ground.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Achievement: Looking For Multitudes
Category: Dungeons & Raids

Perky Pug
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your pug.
This pet is rewarded when your character completes the "Looking For Multitudes" achievement. To complete this achievement, your character must have used the Dungeon tool to group with a total of 100 random players to successfully complete random heroic dungeons. After completing the achievement, you will immediately receive this pet in your mailbox.
This pet is also available as a FigurePets collectible (series 3).

Due to the toys, would Perky count as an interactable?
@Phelgrahm: I'm not sure why you would ever use Buried Treasure instead of Perk Up -- a 330 heal vs. a 478 heal + increased health cap. Same 3 round cooldown.
Exactly, that's the question I was asking myself.... Anyone with answer ? Dunno, maybe there is some mysterious interaction/synergy which makes Buried Treasure better than Perk Up and we don't know about it ??? Hmmm, maybe during the Sunlight ???? Yes, that's it I guess ;)))
I'm not sure why you would ever use Buried Treasure instead of Perk Up -- a 330 heal vs. a 478 heal + increased health cap. Same 3 round cooldown.
If you do any random dungeons you will get this pet eventually. Pretty decent pet, it is strong(322) while still slightly above avarage speed(273). The lowish health does not matter much since Perk Up heal for a lot. Avoid Comeback, this ability does not work well with a heal, and without the extra hit it is much weaker than Bite. Also Burrow is a no brainer. So you got avoidance, heal and immune to stun, good show. Just be wary of beasts. Pick up cute costumes for it at the Timeless Isle.
i love this little dog, and i enjoyed earning him. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
EDIT: Now found running around Stormwind, typically in the palace garden but he takes a run around towards the Trade District, around to the Dwarven District, and back.
I also have to note that I noticed something pretty quickly with this little guy and his butt scoot. His shadow doesn't follow him when he does it, and so it looks like he leaves a 'mark' on the ground because of it. When I saw it the first time I had to do a double take.
Or is this an old thing that I just missed before? LOL
It was noted that this pug wipes and has a harness so he can be carried. Which is not dissimilar to most P.U.G.s... Coincidence? I think not!
P.S. he does make a sound when you click him, he has the cutest little dog bark.
...What? Breanni used that one too? Sonofa -