Lucky Quilen Cub

Lucky Quilen Cub
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Barks and rolls over.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition required.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: August 29, 2012
This pet is a free gift for purchasing The Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition. This edition was sold in stores (in limited quantity), but it can also be found on auction websites starting the week of September 25, 2012. Purchasing the Digital Deluxe version of Mists of Pandaria also rewards this pet.
1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

Available now at the Blizzard Pet Store for $5.00 12/29/20
Available now at the Blizzard pet store for $5.00 06/30/2020
Looks kinda cute to me, but I can't help but be a tad dissapointed that he shares a moveset with the perky pug. I wish he had lucky dance or uncanny luck to set him apart.
I have to admit I'm one of those who thinks this pup is cute. I raised him to 25, and I'm quite impressed with what a hard little hitter he can be. If he's fighting against a critter or beast, I have seem him kill in just two moves - burrow, then bite. I'm sure there are probably better beast/critter pet battlers, I'm just giving this little guy his due. If I'm leveling another pet, and know I'll be fighting critters and beasts, this little guy is on my team.
I just don't like the look. It has the same abilities as the Perky Pus, so I would rather have that running around with me... especially if you have the Crate of Kidnapped Puppies
i heartz this little guy! anybody got any team suuggestions for him?
Love him! His Perk Up ability works great alongside with any other pets you might have that can heal, since it also raises the entire team's health max. And because he's a critter, he's great against the Pandaren Spirit trainers, who all use a heavy elemental.
I really love my Lucky Quilen Cub! It's so cute and it's alike my Shar Pei Cub I've got in Reallife. :)
Moreover it's really good in Pet Battles! :)