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Miscellaneous Critter: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Critter Miscellaneous Critter
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Anxious Nibbler

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Baneling [Baneling]

Promotion: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition

Chestnut [Chestnut]

Treasure: Acorn Harvester

Zone: Thaldraszus

Drop Rate:  1 in 1

Damplight Slug [Damplight Slug]

Vendor: Atolia Seapearl

Zone: Nazjatar

Faction: Unshackled - Friendly

Cost: 500gold (unlimited supply)

Domestic Aunian [Domestic Aunian]

Vendor: Duchess Mynx

Zone: Korthia

Faction: Death's Advance - Honored

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm 1500Stygia (unlimited supply)

Dustite [Dustite]

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)

Cost: 1Seedbloom (unlimited supply)


Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty

Zone: Emerald Dream

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Fol'ya Pup

Pet Battle: [25] Emerald Dream

Korthian Specimen [Korthian Specimen]

Drop: Zelnithop [60]

Zone: Korthia

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Lil' Bonechewer [Lil' Bonechewer]

Achievement: Worm Theory

Category: War Within

Lucky Quilen Cub [Lucky Quilen Cub]

Promotion: Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition Pet

Mosscoated Gromit [Mosscoated Hopper]

Drop: Death's Advance Supplies

Zone: Korthia

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Muck Slug

Pet Battle: [25] Nazjatar

Napps [Napps]

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)

Cost: 1Seedbloom (unlimited supply)


Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty

Zone: Emerald Dream

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Needleback Pup [Needleback Pup]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Nibbles [Nibbles]

Promotion: Legion Collector's Edition

Perky Pug [Perky Pug]

Achievement: Looking For Multitudes

Category: Dungeons & Raids

Pistachio [Pistachio]

Vendor: Patchu

Zone: The Azure Span

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Porcupette [Porcupette]

Drop: Sack of Pet Supplies

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 335


Pet Battle: [25] Emerald Dream

Seedle [Seedle]

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)

Cost: 1Seedbloom (unlimited supply)


Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty

Zone: Emerald Dream

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Snoozles [Snoozles]

Vendor: Sylvia Whisperbloom

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Eleven)

Cost: 1Seedbloom (unlimited supply)


Drop: Plump Dreamy Bounty

Zone: Emerald Dream

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Somnolet [Somnolet]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Trench Slug

Pet Battle: The Eternal Palace (Raid)

Wriggler [Wriggler]

Drop: Mirecrawler [50]

Zone: Nazjatar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Young Garnetgullet

Pet Battle: [25] Korthia

Zergling [Zergling Leash]

Promotion: World of Warcraft Collectors Edition

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