Pygmy Marsuul

Idles about. Occasionally sits, sleeps, and dances.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Emoting /sit while targeting it will cause it to walk over, jump onto your lap and lie down. This pet will sit on top of a summoned Pilfered Sweeper toy.
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017

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1-6 of 6

I found a rare right above Conservatory of the Arcane in Mac'Aree. I was able to take it down with a Golden Eaglet (25) and a Dancing Water Skimmer (24). I also had a Fawn (24) for backup.
Very easy fight, will either do critter or beast damage. I found they usually use Feign Death early on in the battle. Most of mine had a Warpstalker Runts and Pygmy Marsuuls for secondarys.
They will sometimes sit when idle.
There's a colour variation not shown here. The one I caught is yellow with green spots and paws, with orange fins and tails and aqua spines.
The S/S breed is very effective in PvP where you run into a lot of undead pets. The combination of 341 Speed, Flurry, Survival and Crouch makes it very hard to kill and allow it to inflict heavy damage to your opponents team unless they run flyers or speed buffs.
I found some as actual pet battles at (50,57) Azurelight Square, Mac'Aree.
East of the City Center teleporter.
•(63,58) Wakener's Enclave
•(50,67) Azurelight Square
Found as an add for a Voidstalker Runt at 40, 60 in Mac'Aree