Borean Marmot

Grooms face and pops up to look around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

I'm SO UPSET with myself! HAD a blue after only 3 or 4 fights at the D.E.H.T.A. camp and got cocky! Left my Ash Viper in one round too long and the D.O.T. poison killed it! *sob!* UPDATE: Feel better now. Got a blue in the N. part of the Steeljaw's Caravan due S of the Bor'Gorok flight point marker and due N of the map marker for the Caravan.
Quite durable and useful. Crouch buffed so 50% damage reduction. Critter racial, immune to cc. And take less damage from elementals. Now you have Chomp that hits undead for over 500. And avoidance with Burrow. Solid pet that I definelty can recommend. Didn't work well during 5.3, but with much less Direhorns it is a good choice. I prefer Brown or Yellow-Bellied Marmots, since the S/S breed for those are not as weak as this one.
Just got my 2nd Rare - a Full Ninja (speed). With the Oily Slimings (a secondary) 7:15am Server Lightbringer.
I have spent a lot of time, on several occasions now, trying to find a rare Borean Marmot, and I can't for the life of me! Anyone else having the same problem? Seriously, A LOT of grinding and NO rares!
And, yes, I am in exactly the right area. They are everywhere, just no rares!
You can find these little guys randomly throughtout Borean Tundra. But you can also get them as a second to the Artic Hare.
Found mine roaming around the Ruins of Eldra'nath, (east of the murlock quests and west of Bor'Gorok Outpost). First battle was a rare and came with 2 adds.
These little guys are adorable. I've seen most of them in the "orangey" area on the map, however they also come as secondary ones if you fight an Arctic Hare or the Oily Slimelings. I caught my rare one near Warsong Granary.
- Seph ❤
If ur looking for this guy look in all the brown on the map, thats where he spawns.