Void-Scarred Locust

Crawls about, waving antennae.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.3.0 | Posted: January 14, 2020
Only level 120+ players that have unlocked the Uldum Accord faction and World Quests in the updated Uldum zone will be able to see this wild pet spawn.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Actually just saw one of these today in the Aberrus raid, last wing of LFR. Was level 1, only creature in the fight. Thought it was weird so I came here to have a look and see if anyone else had.
Don't be an idiot like me and fly arround for days wondering why you can't find any of these at the locations mentioned. It turns out that you must have unlocked the different phase of the zone introduced in patch 8.3.
That means you need to have done the quest line introducing you to the Visions of N'Zoth invasions to Uldum and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. If you have not done these quests, you will not be able to see any of the pets from that patch 8.3. There is a helpful guide here https://www.wowhead.com/guides/visions-of-nzoth-introduction-questline-horrific-visions-assaults
For the drop pets from patch 8.3, you can get those from the Auction House.
For the Wild Pets you can only get after having done the questline mentioned above and taming the pets in a battle, those include:
Oasis Void-Duster
Void-Scarred Locust
Golden Chirper
Found a rare quality as backline pet in Uldum during the N'zoth assault at 55.78 23.89.
Continuing the long-standing tradition of Blizzard not knowing that locusts are grasshoppers.
Found as a rare quality primary pet in Uldum during the N'zoth assault at 55.83, 23.95. Happy hunting!
Found as a backline pet of Horned Lizard at 61,65!
Oh jesus, i really love this pet battle skills, Toxic Fumes + Contagion Strike so strong.
Got both Oasis Void-Duster and Void Scarred Locust around 61.5 49.0 in Uldum. The void-scared Locust was a back line pet for new and old wild pets.