Red Cricket

Red Cricket
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Reputation grinding required.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.4 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Upon reaching the reputation of "Best Friends" with the NPC Sho, she will send this pet in the mail.
Players can only start earning reputation with Sho once they've unlocked the Tillers faction quests and dailies at level 90. For more information on the Tillers and earning reputation with them and individual NPCs, check out El's guide.

For anyone wanting to know how to click Dark Soil to get Lovely Apple and raise reputation with Sho to get the Red Cricket, you need to complete up to and including Learn and Grow V: Halfhill Market before you can click the Dark Soils.
While other people tout this pets underratedness I find it really really sucks. The heal only seems huge because this pet has no health(1197). It has a 1 hit main attack that can't get through shields, a very slow (useless) avoidance move(better hope they don't hit you before their bomb goes off..., and if you pop Swarm you might as well give up because of the pets life.
This is a great pet. I have been having loads of success in using it as the third pet in my Howl Bomb team (Pandaren Water Spirit + Chrominius) for the Tanaan Jungle legendary pets.
People are right in saying this beast is one of the most underrated Critters around. It can dodge massive attacks or turn Undead rounds negligible with its Cocoon Strike and provide MASSIVE self-heals every three turns. Not to mention its primary attack is consistent and packs a huge punch.
It's one of my go-tos for fighting Eleanor and Lil' Stitches.
The first pet I rated, because its underated imo. It solos or almost solos multiple pandaria tamers. "Hard" hitting with healing ability. Must have for serious battlers.
There has to be an error in the breed showing to this in the site, there is no way it can be anything other than P/P breed with those stats...
This is in my opinion the best critter in the game. Wrecks undead, and even other pet families. Rated one of the highest power pets in the game. Huge heals too. I absolutely love him, and am currently grinding rep with sho on my alt to get a second one.
I got to 'best friends' with Sho in a day by just farming the Lovely Apples and doing the missions she sends you on depeding on your friendship level. I just flew around the Heartland and found a ton of gifts pretty quickly. This is also a great way to farm ore (I got around 18 stacks in three hours).
This pet comes in the mail after you reach 'best friends' and is really adorable! I haven't battled with him yet, but I'm excited to.
This is a must have cricket. It can heal for half it's life, block attacks and do major damage. Get it!
At one point I owned 2 cages of this pet that I was trying to sell on the AH, suddenly they went BoP and I banked them. I've had them in my bank for months now and finally decided to use them, with breeding coming up and all. And how many people are going to have 3 of this little guy? Not to mention this guy packs a serious punch, and heals like a BiS Holy Paladin.
The item to learn the Red Cricket is now BoP. I've been trying to sell one on my bank alt and just went to put it in the AH and found that it is now soulbound. :(
I got mine today in AH by 60 gold, server Malygos, rare quality.... wooot
Don't overlook this awesome battle pet. This pet is insanely OP, and has 15 AP at level 1. This thing hits like a ton of bricks, even on pet families that are weak against its abilities.
Also, it's self Heal, Nature's Touch, often crits and heals for way more than the tooltip says. The same goes for their DPS abilities. Mine is currently level 9, but I am leveling it rapidly.
Grinding rep with Sho is totally worth it for this beastly critter.
Well, the new patch hit, my poor cricket got changed to Rare, yay! But now it's no longer a giant pet.... sigh. I'd take the giant poor cricket and grind for a battle stone any day!
BE CAREFUL. When you GET the cricket from Sho, the Chirping Cage item is trade-able, but ONCE YOU LEARN IT, you CANNOT cage it and trade it. Now I have a useless extra cricket rather than a valuable trading item. Beware of the too-quick-click!
I just got him and it doesn't say the quality. In fact it doesn't say any quality for any of my companion pets However the stats correspond to uncommon with the calculator. I don't understand why all the ones you get with quests are not "rare" quality. It is harder to get them and this one cannot be traded.
I am ending up releasing most of the ones I get in battles. Only to lvl 7 in battles but I have to say it is not very satisfying. I liked getting pets the old way better.
To the people who are confused about the quality of this pet: the item that teaches you the pet that is mailed by Sho in a chirping package is always rare quality. But when you learn it, it can show up in your journal in any quality, depending on RNG. So far I've gotten two alts exalted with Sho and the crickets are poor and common.
In addition to this pet being physically massive, it is also has the highest Power of any Battle Pet.
The description isn't joking when it says he will eat your crops.
Bah, my random drop was poor quality. Guess I'll have to upgrade him manually.
This pet is HUGE. And it moves by jumping. It certainly won't get unnoticed.
Best way to farm rep with Sho is by bringing her 5 Eternal Blossom Fish (made of 5 Jade Lungfish + 25 Striped Melon) each day. She's located at 29.6, 30.6 in Valley of the Four Winds if she's not at Halfhill Market. (When I asked Gina Mudclaw for Sho's location, she gave me different coordinates, which were wrong.)