Lava Beetle

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in lava pools alongside Lava Crabs.

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1-17 of 17

Very average set of abilities, especially with Hiss and Cauterize in the same slot. Also, the slot 3 abilities are seldom useful.
However, I got a rare P/P while leveling my first pets and used it quite a lot until I had a better selection of pets.
The rare I battled today killed himself by casting Scorched Earth. Something to keep in mind :(
I spent much more time on this pet than I could imagine. I made so many rounds of this zone, finally finging my rare in the southern mountains near the road to Redridge. I made good use of the time leveling up several of my pets.
I never saw this pet other than as a primary.Â
An excellent pet for someone leveling up for the first time. A Lava Beetle (especially P/P breed) will be helpful for when you start to encounter undead pets and trainers.
I noticed that several of the pets that I am looking for are on the ground as I am flying over on taxi, but will disappear as I land and can't be found as I fly over while on my own mount. Â You need to be revered or exalted to catch the cloud serpants hatchling and I believe the same is true for the Nordrassil wisp. Â Is that why Lava Beetle disappear after I land?
Just got my rare on Dreadmaul rock.
After trying all the suggestions for a long time with no luck, I started pathing around blackrock mountain steppes side. Found a pool with 4 in it at exactly 30/30 doesn't even show as lava on the map. GL
Found a rare.....It then at 30 health...killed itself with its own attack...Yay Ill have to find another =('''
Dreadmaul Rock is covered with them.
This beetle is sightly larger than other pet beetles. Â
The Lava beetle can be found to the west of the path coming from Redridge mountains. I saw about 4 in one spot, between the two mountains (the line of mountains in the south, and the lone mountain just above it, near path to redridge). Had 3 pets with it, fairly easy to catch. Just don't get mistaken between lava and fire beetle like I did.
Fantastic tip to check 59,72 in Burning Steppes because on the map it doesn't even look like there is lava there, but it's up there!
EDIT: Â Seemingly slow respawn timer in that spot! Cleared out that area + made a trip around the zone to check for more. When I returned none had respawned yet. Rinse and repeat for an hour and still no respawns at the 59, 72 spot. Â
Found this pet right where the two commentors suggested, at 59, 72. Seems to be a plentiful spot!
The post below is right,  59 72, has the goods!  I recommend downloading Tomtom , and just type /way 59 72 , it will take you right to the spot! First time I went there, there was 4 Beetle spawns. :D
I found a great spawn point out of the 'way' its south in the zone at area 59, 72, high in the mountains, you can see a 'lava' trail going up, once you are up there you have a HUGE lava pool and I found 4 spawns of the Lava Bettle. (really is a out of the way spot that most people wouldn't see!
If you look at your map you are to the "right' of the road in the mountains if you took the path to Redridge Mountains.
You will find these where ever you see molten rock pits and lava flows, along with the Lava Crab. More details on the Lava Crab entry.Â
Lots of these spawn around Dreadmaul Rock.