Irradiated Roach

Crawls about, waving antennae.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found near Gnomeregan.

Correct coords if using TomTom are as follows:
1. Go to "New Tinkertown" in Dun Morogh
2. Go to /way 43.76 63.45
Good luck on the irradiated roach :)
I had gone to the airstrip to get a roach, and saw a fluxfire feline up. Decided to battle it to try to get some roaches to spawn, was a rare. Snagged her up since I needed a rare of those too, now just to get the roaches to spawn and get a rare and I'll be good in this zone. After running around a while killing all the roaches, I decided to go make lunch. I came back and saw a roach up, battled him, was a rare. Now I'm a happy pet camper :D
Some good advice here...
Made a level 1 gnome on a low pop RP server. Â Ran outside to the Toxic Airfield. Â First Roach I engaged was a rare H/H breed.
I found mine right away after killing 2 Fluxfire Felines. turnede around & there he was an uncommon. Location was at the tainted oil field
I picked up (6) blues yesterday on Malfurion... 3 on my account and 3 for my sister. No one else was in the area at the time, so I killed every irradiated roach (battle pet and non-battle pet) to keep them spawning. No luck finding a blue Fluxfire Feline though. :(
Make a gnome on a low pop or new players server. It was the first pet I found, poor quality, but I got the achievement
Went hunting for these today (out to find a rare to replace my common one) and noticed ONLY Fluxfire Felines, outside and inside Gnomer. Â I made sure noone else was collecting, then killed everything. Â Hopefully the roaches will spawn now. Â Strange that I've never seen both the felines and roaches up at the same time. Â
Update: Â That worked like a charm. Â Within 15 minutes the Toxic Airfield was spawning roaches and I got a rare. :)
Took hours of camping at the airstrip to go from poor to common, I shudder to think how long until I get lucky and land a rare. Might be easier to grind critters and hope for a stone to upgrade. And like suggested earlier, making a toon on a RP realm made all the difference. No competition whatsoever.
So, because I don't have Terrible Turnip I had to come up with something else that wouldn't instant kill it (which happened 5 times)
Rake with cat (lvl 3) that lowered the hp by halfÂ
Immolation with Phoenix Hatchling (lvl 6)
And then just pass rounds until it was low enough to catch
Flew over on my horde mage while farming pets and saw one up so grabbed it right off. Already had a fluxfire so I wasn't worried about quality. (turned out to be poor) but it was in the airfield like other posters have mentioned
Had trouble catching a rare of these. What I did was wait til rolling restarts were going on and hopped from server to server creating level 1 gnomes to check for rares, after 30 min I found one. They seem to respawn in mass after restarts.
So I am hunting for a rare for my collection and I have noticed that they tend to be up earlier in the day and along with Fluxfire Feline. On my server, it is an over abundance of Fluxfires, but there are usually a few roaches. They are also around the undeground entrance to Gnomer. Noticed that once I battle or kill them, they don't seem to spawn very quickly. Evening logins find very few paws at all. mine right after maintenance today!
tons in the toxic airfields!!!
after 20 mins of killing (not battling) all the pets in tinkertown  area i flew around (as a horde) til they respawned and finally got one of these guys at 42,65  (toxic airfield)Â
ok im alliance and i had been waiting for forever for this dang thing to spawn at the airstrip but no luck. i went inside the actual gnomeragan and wow, they're everywhere! along with the fluxfire felines! it only took me 3 or 4 to get rares for both!Â
I have farmed this critter I don't know how many times. I'm Alliance, and have a gnome, so no guard problems. And yet to see anything but poor quality. I think this was Blizz idea of a bad joke sometimes. ;) So when the Flawless Critter stone dropped, I suddenly had a blue Irradiated Roach. That's the best advice I can give you. Take the first one you find and run. Then wait for the stone to drop.
Great advice Dannyg Thank you
The best advice I can give you for this, make an alt on a rp server. Nobody ever flies around petsearching on those servers.
Thanks so much for the suggestion of rolling a gnome to find this little guy! After searching daily for a couple of weeks, I rolled a gnome one of my other servers yesterday afternoon and POOF! There were two right in front of me before I took the first quest. Also a couple of Fluxfire Felines. Grabbed the first roach and caught him (grey), which got my EK Safari achiev. Had a Flawless Critter stone in the bank, just waiting for him. Happy hunting!
Just cought one now, poor quility though(Might see if i can get a better one or just upgrade it to blue with a stone later on). As everybody says, their spawn rate is crap. I flew around the whole area and killed of all the other battle pets(snow cubs mainly). And when new pets spawned again, snow cubs and more snow cubs, kill kill kill... and same again, after 20-30mins with this 1 finaly spawned in the middle of the toxic pool/field, but as said poor quility, better then nothing i guess.